Chapter 1631 Her Husband (6)

At the moment when Han Shushu was acting stupid, Chu Mubai's honest and masculine aura rushed towards her face, his sexy thin lips bit her nose, and when he was about to kiss her, she covered her mouth in time, Staring at him with wide eyes, he said in a muffled voice, "I don't know you well!"

Maybe the child in her belly is indeed his, but she really can't remember Chu Mubai now.

Now he is like a stranger, she is afraid!
Thousands of emotions flashed in Chu Mubai's eyes, including struggle, pain, conflict, and maybe others.

In the end, everything was calm.

He finally let her go: "I'm leaving, call me if you need anything."

Han Shushu wanted to say that she didn't know his phone number at all, but he was too embarrassed to say anything else.

When the door slammed and the room became quiet again, she suddenly panicked.

Almost subconsciously, she opened the door.

When she saw Chu Mubai standing at the door, seeing his clear eyes stained with burning passion, her old face blushed again, and she said in a hoarse voice: "You, you come back early, I'll wait for you at home. "

After she finished speaking, she closed the door forcefully.

She covered her hot face, and felt ashamed when she thought of how impatient she was just now.

After Chu Mubai left, she was in a daze for a while before she wanted to write a novel, when her phone rang.

The caller ID is Nangong.

Suddenly this name made her feel so strange, because the man who occupied her mind had completely turned into Chu Mubai.You know, that man just showed up yesterday, and he only spent half a day with her.

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts in her heart, she pressed the answer button.

"Why don't you come to work?!" Nangong's icy voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

What Han Shushu thought of was Chu Mubai's soft voice, which was sweet and lingering.

"I'm just a temporary worker. If I don't want to work, I won't. Nan Shao, I won't work for the Southern Group anymore..."

"Xiao Shu, are you going to start arguing again? Tell me, how many times is this? Every time you get angry, you say you won't go to work. Do you think this will attract my attention?" Nangong interrupted Han Shu If it ends, the voice will be harsh!
"This is the last time. Nan Shao, I was ignorant before and caused you a lot of trouble. I won't do it in the future. Goodbye." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

She fell limply on the sofa.

Being with Nangong always makes her cowardly.Because he cared about him, his words were like an imperial decree.She retreated again and again, gave in again and again, but in the end it only made him more annoying. Why couldn't she see this clearly before?
Nangong finds her annoying only because he doesn't care about her.

Not to mention that Nangong looked down on her, she even looked down on herself like this.

Nangong was a little surprised when he heard the blind voice from the other end of the phone.

How dare this woman hang up on his phone?
For so many years, this is the first time she hung up on his phone, how dare she? ! !
In a rage, Nangong rushed out of the office.

Just when Leng Ying was about to knock on the door and enter, when she saw Nangong with cold eyes, she took a step back in fright.

This is the first time she saw Nangong like this, who exactly provoked Nangong?
It wasn't until Nangong rushed into the elevator that Leng Ying thought of chasing him, but it was already a step too late.

Nangong drove to the floor where Han Shushu lived at the fastest speed.

Han Shushu was writing a manuscript, she heard the doorbell ringing constantly, and when she saw the people outside through the cat's eyes, she tightened her eyebrows, not understanding why Nangong came again.

(End of this chapter)

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