Chapter 1632 Her Husband (7)

Han Shushu's eyes grew colder.

Was it because she was disobedient that Nangong hurried over to teach her a lesson?
This time, Han Shushu chose to ignore it.

Then, her phone rang.She knew it was Nangong's call even without looking at it, so she simply chose to mute it.

Nangong is an impatient person, after a long time, he will naturally choose to leave.

In the end, she still underestimated Nangong.

When she heard a loud bang outside the door, she knew something was going to go wrong.

She walked out hurriedly, but it was still a step late, the door was knocked open forcefully, and Nangong walked in with a livid face.

His steps were heavy, and every step he took reverberated in the room.

Han Shushu forced himself to stand where he was, without retreating, and looked back calmly.

"This is my territory. You are trespassing on a private house. I can sue you!" She was neither angry nor angry, and looked at Nangong who was approaching her with indifferent eyes.

Nangong stared straight at Han Shushu, and after a while, he said, "Xiao Shu, you have changed."

She never dared to disobey his orders before, but since she reappeared the day before yesterday, she has become uncontrollable.

He was not used to such a change, and he didn't like it very much!

"Who knows, maybe this is the real me. I was just bullied by you into a habit before, forgetting that I am an independent individual and not controlled by anyone." Han Shushu sneered, making no secret of his love for Nangong. Disdain.

"You're so courageous!" Nangong rushed to Han Shushu and grabbed her chin: "Do you think you can get out of my control? In this city, no one dares to say 'no' to me, my little one." Shut up, you can't!"

Han Shushu didn't like being controlled by Nangong. She slapped Nangong's hand away: "There is a first time for everything. Let's try it! Now, get out!"

Nangong looked at Han Shushu in disbelief. Is this the Xiao Shu he knew?

"If you don't leave, be careful and I'll call the police!" Seeing Nangong standing still, Han Shushu said angrily again.

Nangong didn't seem to hear what she said, and made a phone call directly.

Not long after, several men in suits rushed in and rushed to Han Shushu to take her away.

Han Shushu struggled and pushed a man in a suit with his palm.

The man in the suit naturally wouldn't take her palm seriously.Then, a miracle happened, the man in the suit was pushed to the corner by Han Shushu.

In fact, Han Shushu's actions were made subconsciously.She also had to take care of the fetus in her womb, so she didn't dare to make too much effort.But even so, she still easily pushed down a big man.

Not to mention that she didn't believe it herself, the big men present were also a little confused.

Nangong saw it clearly, his eyes darkened.

Sure enough, this woman was very problematic.Yesterday he thought it was just a coincidence, but seeing the same situation again today made him wonder if Han Shushu was bewitched by something.

Not only did her personality suddenly become so strong, but she was also so powerful that she easily overwhelmed a man who was stronger than her.

Nangong didn't want to waste any more time, he raised his hand and said, "Give me the gun!"

When Han Shushu heard this, his face changed slightly.

Until Nangong pointed a gun at her heart: "Isn't it very strong? You try again, I will crush you!"

It's not that Han Shushu has never heard Nangong speak foul words before, nor has he seen him hold a gun, but it was the first time he aimed his gun at a woman.

"I'll go with you." Looking at the dark gun hole, Han Shushu wisely stopped struggling.

(End of this chapter)

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