The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1673 Jealous Husband, Jealous Husband

Chapter 1673 Jealous Husband, Jealous Husband (3)

Han Shushu tasted the fishy smell from Chu Mubai's mouth and knew he was jealous.Sighing lightly, he let him vent for a while.

After he finished kissing, she gasped and said: "Look at what you have become. You ran to me all day long and fell into the tricks of Lou Jinghong and Qin Zhuiyue. married me..."

"Dead woman, will you die if you don't speak?!" Chu Mubai interrupted Han Shushu angrily.

Han Shushu smiled and hid in his arms: "As long as you live, I'm yours. But if you really die, I'm sure I won't be able to fight against them, don't you think?"

Of course Chu Mubai knew this was the truth, but didn't he worry about her?

"It's because you are still a person who does great things. Forget it, you are looking for a dead end, and I won't stop you—"

Chu Mubai grabbed Han Shushu's slender fingers: "Then you promise me that when I'm not around you, you can't wear that kind of clothes that are offensive to public morals, you can't have affairs with other men, you can't laugh at other men, you can't... ..."

Chu Mubai said a lot that he couldn't do it, and Han Shushu agreed to everything.

She talked about it, and finally sent Chu Mubai away, and then left the house.

Sitting in a taxi, she soon realized that something was wrong.

She called Chu Mubai again: "Thirteen, I saw you, you can follow more clearly."

He is the only one who regards her as a beautiful woman, why does this girl just refuse to listen?
Chu Mubai had no choice but to stop, and said to the microphone: "Shu Shu, did I tell you today that I love you very much?"

Han Shushu laughed: "I said it just now."

Damn, you're being stupid again.

"I'm going back, you have to be obedient, if Nangong wants to poison you, you can poison him to death, you know?" Chu Mubai urged worriedly.

"Okay." Han Shushu replied softly.

"You are pregnant, so you have to protect yourself. I'm not by your side, so you have to be nice. It doesn't matter if the child gets hurt, but you can't let yourself get hurt..."

Chu Mubai's words made Han Shushu astonished again.

She looked at her stomach, quickly hung up the phone, and said to the little thing in her stomach, "Don't take your father's words seriously, he just has a bad mouth."

Fortunately, the baby is too small to understand.If the little guy hears it, he will definitely not give Chu Mubai a final pension in the future.

Han Shushu thought about the one in his stomach, and then about the awkward big one. He just felt that life was like this, so what could he ask for.

Thinking all the way, I soon arrived at the Southern Group.

She is a frequent visitor of the Southern Group, no one blocked her way, she went all the way to the office floor where Nangong worked.

After chatting with Liu Wen for a few words, she knocked on Nangong's office door.

Nangong didn't look up at her, and let her sit for a while.

Han Shushu was bored sitting on the sofa and reading the news until the light and shadow in front of him were blocked.

Nangong grabbed her hand at this moment, and she withdrew it immediately.

She was just thinking that Chu Mubai guarded her body and never had any physical involvement with other women.In terms of emotion and reason, she shouldn't have physical entanglements with other men, not even with hands.

Nangong took a deep look at Han Shushu: "Can't I even touch your hand?"

Han Shushu pulled out a smiling flower, changed the subject and said, "Where do you want to go for dinner, how about I invite you."

"Answer my question just now!" Nangong's eyes grew colder.

Seeing that he couldn't hide, Han Shushu looked down at his toes...

(End of this chapter)

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