The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1674 Jealous Husband, Jealous Husband

Chapter 1674 Jealous Husband, Jealous Husband (4)

After a long time, Han Shushu said in a hoarse voice: "I am from Chu Mubai. He guards me and never touches other women. I will not let him down. He is possessive..."

Before she finished speaking, Nangong had already slammed the door and left.

Han Shushu was stunned for a while, and then followed Nangong.

Nangong walked in front, walking very fast, it could be seen that he was in a bad mood.

Han Shushu didn't speak, and followed Nangong silently, wondering if Nangong had ever thought about his past in Nanchu?

After entering the elevator, there were only her and his light breathing one after another.

"Can't you return Xiao Shu to me?" Nangong's low voice echoed in the elevator.

Only then did Han Shushu feel that Nangong hadn't remembered what happened in ancient times.Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked this question.

"The dead are gone, you'd better accept the fact." Han Shushu looked at the jumping numbers and replied calmly.

The crippled limbs of her previous life have turned into decay, this is a fact that cannot be changed.

Between her and Nangong, there is still the last bit of entanglement.

In fact, she didn't want to have any more entanglements with Nangong, but Nangong was too important a character.

He had been the most important person in her life, and now he played the most important role in her life.

Whether she and Chu Mubai can return to Nanchu is entirely up to Nangong.

She really didn't want Nangong to hate herself.

"The fact I have seen is that you are Xiao Shu. It doesn't matter if Xiao Shu leaves, as long as you stay by my side." Nangong approached Han Shushu: "Han Shushu, you obviously don't have to come to see me, but One phone call from me got you to me. Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Han Shushu remained silent.

After all, he is a profiteer, and one sentence hits the nail on the head.

Doesn't she have nowhere to go, so she can only find Nangong?
Think about those three men in Xuantian City with extremely high martial arts.Their kung fu is invincible in the world, but now, they can only rely on Nangong to send them back to their era.

As a weak woman, she could only come to Nangong with a cheeky face.

If there are people who ask for help, the attitude is of course better.

"Tell me, what do you want to ask me?" Nangong sneered and curled his lips.

Han Shushu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "It's nothing serious. Let's eat first, and order whatever you want."

It's better not to say it at this time, if Nangong is not happy and drives her away, it will be a matter of several lives.

She also had to leave this time and space, after all her son was still in Nanchu.

Nangong glanced at Han Shushu and stepped aside.

Han Shushu was taken to a very familiar place by Nangong. This was the most famous hotel in the city, and the food was so expensive that it frightened people to death.

She quietly took out her wallet and looked at it.When he was about to die, there was definitely not enough cash, and Kari didn't know how much silver he had left.

Nangong took a look at Han Shushu's sneaky appearance, and he ordered a table of the most expensive delicacies.

After a meal, Han Shushu didn't have any appetite.

When it was time to pay the bill, the bill of more than 1 made her want to jump off the building.

"Nothing!" Nangong got up and left: "Follow!"

"But no money yet..." Under Nangong's stare, Han Shushu weakly followed behind Nangong.

The waiter didn't stop her either, she was a little confused at this moment, and asked, "Can we eat the overlord's meal?"

"Idiot, I already bought this hotel." Nangong gave Han Shushu a contemptuous look.

Han Shushu opened his mouth wide, and then touched his nose bored.

Well, she is really stupid.

 This article is heading towards the end, so let's slow down in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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