Chapter 1753 A thought becomes an insanity (1)

Han Shushu looked at Cailian, and felt that this court lady was also very strange.

From the moment Cailian appeared in Chang'an Pavilion, she could feel the hatred emanating from Cailian.And this hatred was obviously aimed at her.

Chu Mubai has something on her mind, and Cailian is very dissatisfied with her, is it all related to Qin Zhuiyue?
"Isn't it? Who made me and Shisan have a better relationship? If Qin Zhuiyue hadn't intervened to stop me, Shisan and I would have lived happily ever after..."

Cailian's face was distorted when she heard the words, she roared in a low voice: "Han Shushu, you vicious woman, my master is about to—"

"Cailian, step back!" Qin Zhuiyue suddenly appeared and interrupted Cailian.

Cailian replied in a muffled voice, and gave Han Shushu a hard look before leaving.

After Cailian walked away, Han Shushu looked back at Qin Zhuiyue.

Qin Zhuiyue's expression was as usual, her thin lips were as red as blood. At first glance, there was nothing wrong with it, but at the same time it seemed very wrong.

"I haven't had dinner yet, you go and cook for me, if you don't cook well, I will kill you." Qin Zhuiyue ordered quietly, and then led the way.

Han Shushu was stunned for a while, followed behind Qin Zhuiyue, and heard him say again: "I heard that you opened a small stove in Chu Mubai's bedroom, and you often cook for him. To be fair, you also have to cook for him." I can cook."

Han Shushu stared blankly at Qin Zhuiyue's back, and felt that he looked a little lonely at the moment, and he didn't have the spirit of being the emperor of Northern Qin at all.

"Although I haven't been by your side these years, I haven't missed a single bit of you, except for the five years you were in Kongkonggu. Originally, I was also looking for you, but he still took you away before me. Bunch Son, why is he always one step ahead of me?"

As Qin Zhuiyue said, he turned his head and glanced at Han Shushu, his eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment.

What he wanted but couldn't ask for, Chu Mubai could always get it easily.

"What's your favorite dish, let me make it for you." Han Shushu cheered up and changed the subject.

What she said was wrong, after all, she couldn't give Qin Zhuiyue what she wanted.

"As long as it's made by you, I like it." Qin Zhuiyue slumped his shoulders.

Han Shushu couldn't bear to look any further, so he looked away.

After that, she earnestly cooked a few dishes, all of which were simple home-cooked dishes, and she didn't know whether Qin Zhuiyue liked it or not.

In fact, as Qin Zhuiyue said, as long as she does what he likes.

He ate happily with a smile on his face, and even said it was delicious, which was a bit like Yuan Bao's satisfied expression when eating, which aroused her maternal love.

She hoped that there would still be a woman in the world who could make Qin Zhuiyue's heart flutter, so that Qin Zhuiyue would completely forget about her.

This man is so good, he deserves to be matched with the best woman in the world.

Seeing that Qin Zhuiyue liked it, she added another bowl of soup for him, and said in a low voice, "Eat slowly, and no one will snatch it from you."

Qin Zhuiyue glanced at her, stopped eating the soup, put down the bowl and chopsticks suddenly, and left without looking back.

Han Shushu was stunned, not understanding why Qin Zhuiyue was angry.

Qin Zhuiyue left in anger, so can she leave Zhengqian Palace?
When she was at a loss, Qin Zhuiyue went back and forth, stood in front of her, and looked at her with complicated eyes.It took a long time before he slightly curled his lips: "Follow me into the study and serve the pen and ink."

"Uh." Han Shushu hurriedly stood up.

After arriving in the study, Qin Zhuiyue sat gracefully on the dragon chair, but threw the pen and ink to her.

(End of this chapter)

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