Chapter 1754 A thought becomes an insanity (2)

"You have drawn so many pictures of Chu Mubai, you should also draw some for me. Remember, draw me better. If you draw well, you will be rewarded!"

Han Shushu sweated a lot, even this has to be compared with Chu Mubai, can Qin Zhuyue be more childish?
Even though he thought so, Han Shushu obediently took a picture of Qin Zhuiyue.

In the past few years, she has improved in figure painting, so it is not difficult.

When she finished drawing Qin Zhuiyue's picture as quickly as possible, Qin Zhuiyue looked at her coldly: "The painting is finished like this? Are you sure you have ulterior motives?"

"I used 100% sincerity, but I can also draw like this, just don't dislike it." Han Shushu said and handed the picture to Qin Zhuiyue, hoping that he would accept it.

Qin Zhuiyue didn't expect much at first, subconsciously felt that Han Shushu was just perfunctory him.

But when he saw the man in the picture, his eyes darkened.

In the portrait, he is dressed in a dragon robe, his eyebrows grow into his temples, his posture is lazy, and he is evil and wild.For a moment, he even felt that the man in this painting was so lively and attractive, more attractive to women than Chu Mubai.

"It seems that you like me very much." There was a smile on the corner of Qin Zhuiyue's mouth, and the smile grew bigger and bigger uncontrollably, and finally flooded the whole face.

"Did you draw with your heart?" Seeing Qin Zhuiyue happy, Han Shushu grinned.

She prefers Qin Zhuiyue at this moment.

She has no way to repay his deep love, but she also hopes that he can live happily, even if there is only so much she can do.

Sometimes she thinks, why can't everyone be as happy as she is? That way she doesn't have to feel sorry for others.

"It's okay." Qin Zhuiyue stood up and ordered Cailian to come in and frame his picture.

Han Shushu was a little flattered to see how much he cherished his paintings.

At the moment when she was in front of and behind her, Qin Zhuiyue went to the bedroom.

The bedroom is always a bit dangerous, and she doesn't feel unsafe.

"Shu'er, come here." Seeing Han Shu Shu standing outside the bead curtain, Qin Zhuiyue smiled softly at her.

"What's the matter?" Han Shushu broke into the bead curtain and asked cautiously.

As long as there is a change, she must run away immediately.

"Recently, you have written a script for me. The protagonists are Qin Zhuiyue and Han Shushu. Chu Mubai cannot be among them. In the end, Qin Zhuiyue must marry Han Shushu. As for the process and details, It's up to you to decide." Qin Zhuiyue said, and got on the dragon bed: "You go to the study to write, I'm tired, I need to rest for a while."

Han Shushu originally wanted to refuse. After all, writing a storybook is also a labor-intensive task.

But seeing Qin Zhuiyue's tired face, he couldn't say the words of refusal.

"Then you rest, I'm off to work." Han Shushu glanced at Qin Zhuyue again, only to feel that Qin Zhuyue suddenly became a little strange.

She left the dormitory and went to the study.

She sat down at the desk and wanted to write, but her mind was blank.

Is it really good to write a book where the heroine is Han Shushu and the hero is Qin Zhuiyue? And there can’t be Chu Mubai in it, so that guy Chu Mubai knows, and I don’t know if it will kill him she.

She was most worried, she accidentally had another book wear, and she ran into the world in the book, what should I do?
Thinking of this, she laughed again. She just felt that she was too open-minded, how could such a thing happen again.

It's just that when she was suddenly asked to write a script, she had no plot to write for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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