Chapter 1767 The Food That Comes (4)

Chu Mubai gently rubbed her hair: "Shu Shu is so good."

"You are abusing a pregnant woman!" Qin Zhuiyue said coldly from the side.

Only a stupid woman like Han Shushu would be bribed by Chu Mubai's bowl of noodles.His table of delicacies should suit this woman's noble status.

Han Shushu looked up at Qin Zhuiyue, and then at Chu Mubai with thin lips tightly pursed, and he understood.

She patted the back of Chu Mubai's hand, and said softly, "I still think the noodles made by Thirteen are delicious."

Even if Qin Zhuiyue is unhappy, she still has to tell the truth.

Her family man will not abuse her.

Qin Zhuiyue wanted to provoke the relationship between her and Chu Mubai, but there was no way.

Chu Mubai smiled.Because of Han Shushu's words, all the depression in his heart disappeared.

When he finds that person, he will take Han Shushu away, and from then on, Qin Zhuiyue will be completely erased from their lives.

He will let that person heal Qin Zhuiyue, and he will also have a way to make Qin Zhuiyue let go of Han Shushu completely.

He felt that only in that way would be the best ending.

Han Shushu and Qin Zhuiyue didn't know Chu Mubai's plan, and they didn't see the strange sharpness in Chu Mubai's eyes.

After lunch, Han Shushu became lazy again.

Under the staring salute of the two men, she went back to the dormitory and fell asleep.

This happy life like a pig is really happy.Before going to sleep, Han Shushu thought so.

Qin Zhuiyuechu was at the door of the dormitory, and wanted to take a second look at Han Shushu's sweet sleeping face, but was dragged away by Chu Mubai.

"Are you afraid that Shu'er will fall in love with me after I get along with her for a long time?" Qin Zhuiyue gave Chu Mubai a cold look.

Chu Mubai is the most powerful enemy he has ever met in his life.

Back then, he wanted to capture Southern Chu and unify the northern and southern kingdoms, but was defeated by Chu Mubai.That time, it took him a long time to get out of the depression.

In terms of women, Chu Mubai is still better than him, and has won Han Shushu's heart and soul.

Sometimes he wondered why he met such an opponent as Chu Mubai.

If there is no Chu Mubai in this world, how good would it be?
"Qin Zhuiyue, I respect you as a good opponent, but that's all. Forget it, I'll accompany you for a walk." Chu Mubai put Qin Zhuiyue's shoulders, and the two men walked out of Chang'an Pavilion in an intimate manner.

The two of them walked in the snow, which attracted many people's frequent glances.It's really that the two of them are so good-looking, they are beautiful, but the two of them are walking together shoulder to shoulder, making people want to take a second look.

Qin Zhuiyue was immersed in her own thoughts.It took a while to realize that he was being "lightened" by Chu Mubai. He pushed Chu Mubai away hard, and said coldly: "I like Shu'er, stay away from me!"

He has no friendship with Chu Mubai. Does Chu Mubai want to be friends with him today?
Chu Mubai glanced at him with a half-smile, and said softly: "I will find someone to treat you. Although you have an early onset, you are young, and the evil spirit has not yet eroded your internal organs. If there is a doctor with good medical skills, I believe it can heal you."

Chu Mubai's words made Qin Zhuiyue astonished.

He thought that Chu Mubai wished that he would die early.

"What conspiracy do you have?!" Qin Zhuiyue looked at Chu Mubai coldly.

"If you want to fight with me, you can only continue if you survive. Qin Zhuiyue, I'm already looking for that person. Take care of yourself first, he will come to Beiqin soon." Chu Mubai patted Qin Chasing the shoulder of the moon, turning around and going back to Chang'an Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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