Chapter 1768 Half-Life Fate (1)

"Chu Mubai!" Qin Zhuiyue came to Chu Mubai the next moment and blocked his way: "I don't believe you would be so kind to save me. What are your plans?!"

If it were him, he would definitely take the opportunity to crush Chu Mubai and completely eradicate this strongest opponent.

He believed that Chu Mubai would have the same idea.

"I just hope that you will not be in danger in the future and you can let go of Shu Shu. After all, you can't turn back time, and you should know that Shu Shu has already identified me..." Chu Mubai looked at Qin Zhuiyue's slightly changed face: "That's all , wait until you find that person."

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Qin Zhuiyue watched Chu Mubai walk away, suddenly feeling a little anxious.

He was pacing back and forth on the same spot, Cailian saw this, stepped forward and said: "Maybe Chu Mubai really has a way to save the emperor..."

"It's ridiculous! I know my own body, so how can it be saved? Think about it, who in this world can cure a disease like mine?" Qin Zhuiyue said, sneering, "Do you think someone like Chu Mubai would Save me for no reason?"

Cailian was silent, deeply thinking that her master's words were justified.

Who is Chu Mubai? He is a wolf that cannibalize people.What's more, Qin Zhuiyue is still Chu Mubai's rival in love.

It would be a miracle if Chu Mubai didn't insult Qin Zhuiyue and killed Qin Zhuiyue as soon as possible.

"My servant also feels that Chu Mubai is cheating." Cailian said thoughtfully.

"That's right." Qin Zhuiyue looked at the direction where Chu Mubai disappeared, and wondered how to find out Chu Mubai's psychology.

It seems that only Han Shushu can talk, but Han Shushu and Chu Mubai are from the same country, how could that woman help him?
But the victory lies in Han Shushu, a woman who still has a little sense of right and wrong.

Now that she knows that her life is not long, she shouldn't just watch Chu Mubai harm her?
The next day, when Han Shushu walked out of the room, he saw snowflakes fluttering, and he was surprised why the snow in Beiqin kept falling.

She was reaching out to catch the flakes of snowflakes, and before she had time to feel its coldness, a pair of warm hands held her. Could it be Chu Mubai, the housekeeper?
His big palm grasped her little hand, and she looked at their intertwined hands, and she couldn't help laughing: "Thirteen, my hands are so small and white, don't you feel special when you touch them?"

Chu Mubai glanced at the woman beside him, amazed at how thick-skinned she was.

This girl is really not ashamed, how can she praise herself like this?
But her little hands are soft and white, and she has the desire to eat just by looking at them.He nibbled on her scallion fingers, and always felt that her hands were like tender buds, so beautiful.

Han Shushu was embarrassed by his nibbling and biting.

She withdrew her hand blushingly: "Stop making trouble, there is someone."

Not far away stood a liuhua and two unknown little maids.Chu Mubai was in heat early in the morning, which made her unbearable.

"Shu'er, I'm here to see you, and I haven't come to pick you up yet!!" With Qin Zhuiyue's hearty laughter, the man in a brocade robe strode inside.

He has an unruly and handsome face, walks like a breeze, and enters against the snowflakes, but he is also a handsome picture of a handsome man, which makes people can't help but look at it again and again.

Han Shushu was the face control, so he couldn't help but take another look, but Chu Mubai's hand on her waist kept exerting force.

At that moment, she straightened her body without squinting her eyes, and ignored Qin Zhuiyue at all.

(End of this chapter)

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