The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 810 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage

Chapter 810 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage (19)

Han Shushu looked at Nangong coldly, and had no intention of opening his mouth.

Nangong sighed helplessly: "I am doing it for your own good. If you don't know the reason, you will feel better..."

"I want to know the reason!" Han Shushu viciously grabbed Nangong's collar, grabbed the medicine bowl, and was about to smash Nangong's head...

"You occasionally have heart palpitations recently, don't you?" Nangong asked in a deep voice.

Han Shushu nodded without thinking.

Heart palpitations are a very normal phenomenon. She never took it to heart, thinking it was just a minor problem.

"Have you found yourself losing weight quickly in the past two days?"

Han Shushu nodded silently, she also found this phenomenon very strange.

"In fact, it was because of pregnancy that triggered the toxins hidden in your body. Your previous palpitations were also caused by the toxins in your body. Do you know that the toxins in you are on the way to Hussein? Thirteen I poisoned you. You must have never thought that Chu Xiaoyao saved a hand when he detoxified you. Chu Xiaoyao's trick is so cruel and poisonous. If one day you die for no reason, no one will know that he is the culprit It is even more impossible for Chu Shisan to suspect him."

Nangong's words quickly drained the blood from Han Shushu's face.

She only remembered that the poison Chu Shisan gave her was overbearing, and it took several days for her to return to normal after Chu Xiaoyao detoxified her.After that, she thought she was cured, but she didn't expect that Chu Xiaoyao hadn't cleaned out the poison in her body.

Why did Chu Xiaoyao do this, why did Chu Xiaoyao want to kill her?
"Why did Chu Xiaoyao want to kill me? Did I get in his way?" Han Shushu murmured absentmindedly.

"Of course you are in the way. You know that before you appeared, Chu Xiaoyao was the person Chu Shisan cared about most. They depended on each other for their lives, and they agreed to fight the world together and win the world. But when you appeared, Chu Shisan was because you The throne is no longer so important, he once wanted to kill Chu Xiaoyao because of you, that's why Chu Xiaoyao hated you. In fact, Chu Xiaoyao and Chu Shisan-"

Nangong's words stopped abruptly.

Han Shushu looked at Nangong suspiciously: "Why don't you say anything?"

"You have to have a miscarriage as soon as possible. Because you have been deeply poisoned, the child will not be spared. If you don't make a decision as soon as possible, neither you nor the child will survive." Nangong pointed to the topic.

Tire slipping is the top priority now, the child must not be kept, otherwise Xiao Shu's life will not be saved.

"Didn't you inherit Chu Xiaoyao's martial arts and medical skills, then you will definitely be able to save me and the child—"

"Xiao Shu, there is no time. If you don't make a decision, even you and I will not be able to protect you! It can only be said that this child is not destined for you. Whether you want it or not, I will let you slip. If you want to hate, hate it Chu Xiaoyao and Chu Shisan, they killed your child together. I will give you half an hour, and you have to drink if you don’t want to!"

After Nangong finished speaking, he left the guest room, leaving Han Shushu alone in the room, crying bitterly.

Nangong was right, the truth was so cruel, it made her feel even more uncomfortable knowing it.

It was Chu Shisan who poisoned her back then, and Chu Xiaoyao who detoxified her. The two Chu brothers joined forces to make her child her scapegoat.

If she hadn't been pregnant with this child suddenly, triggering the toxins in her body, and soon, when the toxins spread all over her body, she would be the one who died.

Nangong entered the guest room half an hour later, and Han Shushu lay with his back facing him, as if falling asleep.

But he knew that Han Shushu didn't want to take away the child, and was still dying.

(End of this chapter)

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