The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 811 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage

Chapter 811 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage (20)

"Xiao Shu, why are you bothering? The poison in your body can no longer be suppressed, and all the poison is gathering towards the baby. If you don't slip the tire, I can't even save you." Nangong Yu said earnestly.

He knew that this girl valued affection and righteousness, especially caring that she was an abandoned orphan.

She likes children very much, and once nagged him that one day if she has children, she will definitely be a competent mother and give the children a warm home.

Unfortunately, things are not as expected.

Maybe Xiao Shu shouldn't have come to this world. In the final analysis, he is the culprit.

If it wasn't for him to make Xiao Shu hate to the extreme, how could she cast a poisonous spell, come to this world, and then meet Chu Shisan?

"Nangong, give me another day, okay?" Han Shushu turned to look at Nangong, begging.

"I'll give you another day. At that time, no matter what, I will let you slip." Nangong couldn't bear to look at Han Shushu's skinny face.

Maybe she didn't realize how fast the toxin spread, and he was afraid that she wouldn't be able to survive this day.

Han Shushu smiled happily when he heard his answer.

She still loves to laugh. When she smiles, her eyebrows and eyes are curved, like the bright moon in the sky, so bright and moving.

But he knew that behind her smile, her heart was crying blood...

Capital City, South Courtyard.

Chu Shisan suddenly woke up from a nightmare in the middle of the night. He stared wide-eyed at the dark sky, feeling restless.

For some reason, it always feels like something big is about to happen.

Could it be that something happened to the bunch?

The dream just now was not very real, I always feel that it has something to do with Shushu...

"Young master, there is news from the palace that the emperor is dying."

At this moment, Chu Yun hurried into Shu Zhai, rushed to him and shouted loudly.

Chu Shisan sat in front of the bed in a daze, as if he couldn't hear his words.

"My lord, hurry up and enter the palace, or it will be too late, and other princes and lords will be there first..."

Chu Yun was chattering on and on, but he heard Chu Shisan mutter silently: "Something may have happened to Shu Shu."

Chu Yun almost fainted when he heard this.

Now the throne is the most important thing, so what does Han Shushu do at this time?
No matter what, you have to win the throne first, right?

"Don't forget, my lord. A girl's wish is to watch her ascend to the throne. Even if it's for a girl, you have to seize the opportunity." Chu Yun simply talked about Han Shushu.

After all, only Han Shushu can wake up Chu Shisan.

As soon as Chu Shisan heard this, he pulled himself together and took care of himself, not forgetting to tell Chu Yun: "You immediately send Xiaocao and Wanxin to bring Shushu back to the capital, and don't let anything happen to her. do you know?"

"Yes, young master." Chu Yun replied loudly.

Then Chu Shisan hurried to the palace.

Seeing Chu Shisan rushing to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhang De rushed forward and said, "Your Highness, the Emperor still has a little consciousness, and is waiting for His Highness, hurry up!"

Chu Shisan's heart trembled, and he hurriedly followed Zhang De to the sleeping hall.

When he saw Emperor Chu Yan lying in a pool of blood, he glanced sharply at Zhang De: "Why don't you invite the imperial physician to see your father?"

"The emperor confessed that he is not allowed to seek the imperial physician."

After Zhang De finished speaking, he stepped forward to help the dying Emperor Chu Yan: "Long Live Lord, the Thirteenth Prince has come down."

Emperor Chu Yan still had his breath, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and blinked at Chu Shisan.

Chu Shisan understood, and stepped forward to hold Emperor Chu Yan's hand: "Father, my son is here, please tell Father if you have any orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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