The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 812 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage

Chapter 812 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage (21)

"Mu, Mu Bai, you're here..." Emperor Chu Yan wanted to open his eyes to see Shisan's face clearly, but he felt a white fog in front of him, and he couldn't see clearly.

This child is a dragon among men, he has a lot of things he wants to say to Mu Bai, but he still can't say it.

Emperor Chu Yan looked at Zhang De, Zhang De understood, and hurriedly handed the secret book of Xuantian Zhishi to Chu Shisan: "Your Highness, Lord Long Live confessed that we must return this secret book to Your Highness. Lord Long Live also said that when Wanting the secret book, in fact, I miss a person too much..."

Zhang De burst into tears and couldn't make a sound.

Chu Shisan grabbed Xuantian Zhisha tightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Father, I know I was wrong."

He always thought that Emperor Chu Yan wanted Xuantian Zhisha because he wanted to save his own life, but it turned out that was not the case.

"Mu, Bai, I, I saw her today, she, she is in Huang, Huang..."

There was a strange brilliance in Emperor Chu Yan's eyes, as if he had seen bliss, and also seemed to have received all the satisfaction.Until the brilliance in his eyes turned gray, Emperor Chu Yan's hand slipped down feebly.

Zhang De fell to his knees and cried bitterly: "The emperor, the emperor is dead!!"

Chu Shisan put Emperor Chu Yan back on the dragon couch, kowtowed several times to him...

Half an hour later, the news about Emperor Chu Yan's death spread all over the world.

Chu Ji took the lead and led his generals and a group of imperial guards to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The other princes and princes also rushed to the Hall of Mental Cultivation immediately, and surrounded the Hall of Mental Cultivation tightly.

Empress Liu and other harem concubines also rushed to the scene.

I saw that the door of the Hall of Mental Cultivation was closed tightly, and there was no movement in the hall.

Chu Ji got impatient and was about to rush into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but found something strange around him.

I saw the flames soaring into the sky, and all the soldiers headed by the general blocked all the retreat routes in front, back, left, and right.

Not long after, news came that Chu Yufeng was guarding the four palace gates.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding why Chu Yufeng colluded with the general.

Until the main gate of the Hall of Mental Cultivation opened, Chu Shisan walked out slowly.He was dressed in white, and his body was as clean as a banished fairy who fell into the mortal world by mistake. He was so refined and spotless.

"Chu Shisan, did you want to seize the throne and killed your father?!"

Chu Ji drew his sword and pointed at Chu Shisan, and asked angrily.

Chu Shisan glanced at Chu Ji lightly: "The last person who pointed to my nose and spoke is decapitated, is King Ji tired of living?"

"Come on, take down this traitor!" Chu Ji shouted loudly, suppressing the fear in his heart.

Upon hearing Chu Ji's order, the imperial guards who were not afraid of death rushed towards Chu Shisan.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Chu Shisan's thin lips, and he made a move with both hands at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, he took off the heads of the two imperial guards.

Everyone was terrified, and they didn't see clearly how Thirteen made a move.

When the blood spread, the heads of all the imperial guards were in different places, and the corpses lay on the ground.

Two human heads even rolled down to Chu Ji's feet. Empress Liu and other concubines had already turned pale with fright, screaming again and again...

On the other hand, Chu Shisan was dressed in white clothes like snow, without any blood stains on his body, as if the killing just now had nothing to do with him.

Thick blood wafted in the air, mixed with bone-biting cold wind, rushing into the mouths, ears, eyes and noses of everyone present.

Xiao Xiang's princes and princes finally understood one thing, even if they were unwilling, they would not be Chu Shisan's opponents.

If they want to live, they can no longer fight for the throne.

Chu Ji also understood this truth, but unfortunately, it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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