The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 813 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage

Chapter 813 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage (22)

"As soon as the father passed away, King Ji came here to provoke and provoke a coup. It is really disrespectful. General, take down King Ji and put him in the prison for trial the next day!" Chu Shisan swept towards the general. , ordered quietly.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The general came out in response and personally escorted Chu Ji down.

At this time Zhang De appeared, holding an imperial decree in his hand.

"This is the edict of the first emperor, the thirteenth prince kneeled down to listen to the announcement!" Zhang Deyang said in a loud voice.

Chu Shisan turned around and knelt down.

"I have been on the throne for many years, the world is peaceful, the people are safe, and all nations are humble. Virtue is comparable to that of the previous saints, and merit is more hopeful for future generations. The thirteen princes have a precious character, and I want to pass on the thirteenth prince Chu Mubai. All princes should work together , to wear the new monarch together. The important ministers and workers should support the prime minister with all their heart, and help the community together. This is my admiration!"

"I thank my father, Emperor Long, long live my emperor!" Chu Shisan replied in a clear voice, accepting the imperial edict.

When Chu Shisan held the imperial decree and turned to face the princes and ministers, everyone knelt down on the ground at the same time and bowed to Chu Shisan as a minister.

"Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, long live my emperor..."

For a moment, congratulations sounded like waves, resounding through the nine palaces...

The news about the former emperor's death and the new emperor's enthronement quickly spread all over the world, and naturally spread to Osmanthus Town.

As soon as Nangong went downstairs, he heard the common people rushing to tell each other, and the news about the change of the sky spread like a turmoil.

Thinking of Han Shushu in the guest room again, he didn't stay any longer and turned back in a hurry.

He just pushed open the door, and saw Han Shushu standing outside.

It's just that after one more day, she has been described as haggard, leaving only skin and bones, like a walking skeleton.

Looking at her like that, Xu has already heard the good news about Chu Shisan's coming to the throne.

One has infinite scenery and will stand on top of the world, while the other has withered life and will perish at any time.

"Xiao Shu, drink the medicine, we can't delay any longer." Nangong said, holding Han Shushu's hand.

When he grabbed her bony wrist, his heart was slightly aching.

Probably because he felt that she was too pitiful, so he felt pity for her.

"Thirteen is finally going to be the emperor, I'm happy..."

Han Shushu lifted his lips and smiled, but the smile didn't take shape, but the tears slipped down.

On such a festive day, how could she touch Shisan's head?
Nangong awkwardly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, carried her back to the bed, handed the medicine to her lips, and said softly: "Drink the medicine, and you will be fine soon. If you want to go back to Beijing, I will take you back to see Thirteen. If you don't want to see him, I will take you away from the capital, as long as you are happy."

Han Shushu nodded silently.

She could feel that her life was being lost, and she also knew that the little life in her body was about to fail.

Only now did she know that there were no miracles in this world.

It is impossible for cursed people to be happy, and she is one of them. How could she think that as long as she is more optimistic and smiles more every day, all the bad things will go away?

People come and go in this world every day.

Unfortunately, her child was about to perish in her womb before she could open her eyes and take a look at this bustling world.

She is sorry for the child, sorry for him.

She thinks this should be a boy, who will be as good and handsome as Thirteen when he grows up...

Han Shushu swallowed the medicine, obviously drank it, but the next moment she unconsciously vomited it out.

"Nangong, he doesn't want to die..." Han Shushu looked at Nangong with empty eyes, as if silently begging him to save her child's life.

(End of this chapter)

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