The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 814 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage

Chapter 814 The Pain of Rebirth: Pregnancy, Miscarriage (23)

Nangong became cruel and simply poured the medicine into her mouth.

He covered her mouth tightly to prevent her from spitting out again.

Han Shushu shook his head vigorously, scratching in the air with both hands.Her low sobs flowed out from between his fingers, like a seriously injured beast.

She stared at him with big crimson eyes, which were filled with bone-biting hatred.

Han Shushu finally took the miscarriage medicine.

It was as if a knife was churning constantly in her abdomen, causing her internal organs to ache.It was as if someone had cut her flesh with a knife. She was clearly in pain, but she was still lingering.

Bright red blood flowed from her body and stained her palms. Her empty eyes met the bloody moment, and her limbs trembled.

The whole world fell apart before her eyes, and every pore screamed heart-piercingly with pain.

She finally gave up struggling, and fell powerlessly on the couch, feeling that the little guy in her body had completely lost its life, just as she felt that her own life was also slowly draining away.

After that, she lost consciousness and felt that her soul was light, as if she had lost weight.

Life is so fragile, just like the weightless soul.

The death of every life is so unexpected.

"Xiao Shu, you have to be strong. You can conceive again when the child is gone. If you die, you will never see Shisan again..."

In a coma, Han Shushu heard Nangong whispering in her ear.

She had a dream.

Dreaming of a small chrysalis after a long sleep, and then struggled to break free from the shell that bound it.

Finally, it waved its injured wings and flew, and flew.

Finally, it turned into a butterfly and flew into the blue and free sky...

After sleeping for a day and a night, Han Shushu woke up.

She was weak all over, and her body seemed to lose weight, as if when her soul came out, a certain part of her seemed to leave her body.

"Just wake up."

Seeing that Han Shushu was staring at his stomach in a daze, Nangong immediately ordered someone to pass on the meal.

Han Shushu immersed himself in eating some food, and when he looked up, he saw Nangong looking at him with complicated eyes.

"Is it because the poison has not been completely removed?" She looked at herself.

She didn't continue to lose weight, which is a good sign.

"There is still residual poison in your body, you have to recuperate slowly." Nangong patted her on the head.

Once again, Xiao Shu has grown up.

He once thought that she would not survive, but she still survived.Her vitality is very strong, this girl should be healthy and live happily.

"Nan Shao, you are so nice to me all of a sudden, do you have any intentions?" Han Shushu asked quietly, looking directly into Nangong's eyes.

Nangong told her more than once that he was a conspirator.

He also warned her more than once not to love her.

But she ignored his words more than once, until one day, she was completely destroyed by Nangong's hands.

Since then, she deeply remembered every word Nangong said.

Knowing that he will not be nice to a person for no reason, even if she and him had a previous relationship.

"Silly girl, what do you have in mind for me? You need me to help you save your life now." Nangong smiled.

"That's true." Han Shushu lowered his eyelids, took another sip of the soup, and said, "Let's leave Osmanthus Town now."

Nangong took a deep look at Han Shushu, but did not answer.

She just had a miscarriage, and the toxins in her body have not been completely eliminated, so she is not suitable for long-distance travel.

Just looking at her like this, she must really not want to stay in Osmanthus Town, right?

(End of this chapter)

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