The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 829 The New Emperor's Enthronement: Willing to Fall

Chapter 829 The new emperor ascends the throne: Willing to fall (7)

Until Han Shushu took a red centipede and walked up to Chu Yun, Chu Yun's expression changed rapidly.

"This is the red centipede that Young Master Nan managed to catch. There are not many in the whole of Nanchu. It is your blessing to be served by it." As Han Shushu spoke, the centipede had already bit Chu Yun.

Chu Yun was so painful that he almost rolled on the ground. He was dripping with cold sweat, and stared at Han Shushu with wide eyes.

"Chu Yun, where is your pain?"

Han Shushu gently wiped the sweat from Chu Yun's forehead with his cuff, and asked softly.

"The whole body hurts!" Chu Yun looked at the bitten arm, and saw that it was rapidly festering.If this continues, will his arm be destroyed?
Han Shushu also noticed something was wrong, she hurriedly took a bottle of antidote from many vials, and poured some on Chu Yun's wound.

It doesn't matter, Chu Yun couldn't help but let out a scream, and wanted to scratch the festering wound.

"Be patient, I took the wrong antidote."

Han Shushu tried several antidote, and when Chu Yun was about to despair, Han Shushu finally found the right antidote.

He collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

It was over, and within an hour of being sent to Han Shushu's clutches, half of his life was lost.

If things go on like this, he is afraid that he will be insane and be played to death by Han Shushu.

At the end of the day, Chu Yun had a hard time.

Han Shushu also felt that this method of drug testing was not humane.Even if he really wanted someone to test the poison, it shouldn't be Chu Yun.

"Don't come again tomorrow. Come again when I need you because I am more skilled in medicine." Han Shushu sent Chu Yun to the gate of the South Hospital, and opened his mouth mercifully.

When Chu Yun heard this, he knelt down in front of Han Shushu excitedly, hugged her thigh, and cried out with gratitude: "Miss is the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva, thank you..."

Seeing this, Han Shushu couldn't laugh or cry.

This guy Chu Yun is precious, he was clearly tortured by her all day, and in the end he called her a living Bodhisattva, this guy is too stupid.

"You are a first-rank bodyguard now, how can you kneel down casually? Get up quickly and let people see the joke." Han Shushu hurriedly helped Chu Yun up.

Chu Yun wiped away his tears, unable to hide his excitement: "Kneeling girl is justified, whoever dares to make a joke, I will kill him!"

"Why did you learn Shisan's tricks? Shisan is now the emperor, and the state affairs are heavy. You have to take good care of his daily life. Don't make him too tired. Go back."

After Han Shushu finished explaining, Chu Yun replied loudly: "Yes, girl!"

That night, Chu Shisan looked around in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, hoping to see Han Shushu.

It's a pity that after waiting for a full hour, Han Shushu was still nowhere to be seen.

"Your Majesty, at this time, the girl will not come." Wanxin couldn't bear to see Chu Shisan continue to wait in the cold night.

Since you want to see Han Shushu so much, why don't you just send someone to take Han Shushu into the Hall of Mental Cultivation?

"Wait a little longer. I heard from Chu Yun that Shu Shu has been very busy recently, and he must be reading medical books or refining poison again, so he forgot the time." Chu Shisan disagreed.

Seeing Chu Shisan's stubbornness, Wanxin didn't want to persuade him again.

It wasn't until another hour, when she saw that she was about to arrive, that Wanxin said again: "Young lady is not in good health, I'm afraid she's already asleep at this hour. If the emperor wants to see the young lady, he should come forward tomorrow morning, and the servants will go and fetch the young lady. ..."

"Forget it, she's not feeling well, let her sleep a little longer." Chu Shisan couldn't hide his disappointment, and turned to go to the Nuan Pavilion.

He didn't understand what it meant to be the emperor himself.

(End of this chapter)

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