The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 830 The New Emperor's Enthronement: Willing to Fall

Chapter 830 The new emperor ascends the throne: Willing to fall (8)

Now that he wants to see Han Shushu, he still has to worry about whether he will lose his tongue.Every time he wanted to go to the South Courtyard, Wan Xin and Chu Yun would come to persuade him at the same time.He said that Shu Shu is Princess Xiaoyao, and he always went to find Shu Shu, so the world would make irresponsible remarks.

Why can't he see his own woman?

That night, Chu Shisan tossed and turned, unable to sleep all night, especially missing the happy time before.

I'm just afraid that some things are gone forever and can never be found again.

After the morning court, Chu Shisan couldn't suppress his longing, and ignored everyone's opposition, he drove to the South Courtyard.

Chu Shisan asked everyone to wait outside the south courtyard, and he entered the south courtyard by himself.

The south courtyard is very quiet and beautiful, like a paradise.Except for the chopped osmanthus tree, everything here makes him feel good.

He found Han Shushu in the medicine room.

While reading a book, she was mixing medicine, her serious and focused appearance made him unable to take his eyes off her.

The current her is not good-looking or beautiful, but she can easily make his heart flutter.

The moment I saw her, all the uneasiness and anxiety disappeared without a trace.

"Come in, what are you doing at the door?" Han Shushu said softly without raising his eyes.

Now she looks like a refugee, and I don't know what Chu Shisan likes to look at her, and I keep looking at her for a quarter of an hour.

No matter how dull she was, she would have already noticed that he had arrived.

"I thought you didn't even know I was here." Chu Shisan walked in gracefully, stood beside Han Shushu, and asked casually, "Nangong doesn't seem to be in the South Courtyard."

"I didn't pay attention. He must be very busy. After all, Xiaoyao Wangfu still has a lot of beauties who need his care." Han Shushu never took his eyes off the medical book while speaking.

Until the medical book in her hand was taken away, Chu Shisan lifted her chin, forcing her to face the male face in front of her.

"I left behind the heavy state affairs to come to you, you should look at me more." Chu Shisan said, and simply pulled Han Shushu to sit on his lap, resting his head on her thin shoulders and asked: " Do you want me to test the poison for you?"

"Come on, if something happens to you, I will definitely be torn to pieces." Han Shushu nestled on Chu Shisan's chest, playing with his lapel: "San Shisan, you shouldn't come to the South Courtyard. Next time you want to see me, Just let Wanxin pass the message."

"I just want to know what you're doing. I'll come to see you after the morning morning prayer. I hope you lie down a little longer and don't work so hard. I remember you said that your lifelong ambition is to be raised and loved by others." millet bug." Chu Shisan's kiss landed on Han Shushu's hair.

The words are still in her ears, but her ambition has changed.

He clearly has won the world, but he doesn't know what he can give her to make her happier than she is now.

"Life is short, so it's better to do more meaningful things. If you learn one more skill, you will be able to protect yourself and the people you love." Han Shushu said as he jumped off Chu Shisan's lap : "Look and see, you go back, I will go to play with you at night."

"I'll leave later." Chu Shisan said, sitting aside, watching Han Shushu busy.

Han Shushu was so busy that he completely forgot about Chu Shisan.

When she came back to her senses, she found that Chu Shisan had already left the medicine room.

After lunch, Xiaocao told her that Chu Shiyu had come, and asked if she had seen him.

Han Shushu felt that the grievances with Chu Shiyu had long since passed.In the past, she really hated Chu Shiyu, but after experiencing some things, she found that the pain in her body was far less memorable than the pain in her heart.

 Recently, my neck and waist are uncomfortable. I have been sitting for too long, and my butt hurts. These are old problems. I will try my best to write about it.

(End of this chapter)

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