Chapter 846 Revenge: Peachy Trap (8)

Before Han Shushu finished speaking, Xiaocao knelt down in front of her, hugged her thigh, and looked at her with teary eyes: "I only have this relative, Miss, please don't want me."

In the past, Han Shushu would definitely soften his heart.

Now she is hard-hearted, and what she decides will not be changed easily.

"I'm doing it for your own good. Now I'm Princess Xiaoyao, and I'm going out of the palace sooner or later. There is a shortage of manpower in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. You can go there to help. Xiaocao, go, don't kneel to me, I can't bear your kneeling." .”

After Han Shushu finished speaking, he broke Xiaocao's hand with all his strength, turned around and entered the room, and locked the door behind him.

There was Xiaocao's knocking on the door, mixed with Xiaocao's crying, her heart tightened, and suddenly she found that place still hurts.

Except for Thirteen, Xiaocao is the person she loves the most since she came to this world, and she regards Xiaocao as her own sister.

In fact, she was not willing to send Xiaocao away...

That night, Han Shushu slept very restlessly.

The next day she got up early in the morning, opened the door, and saw Xiaocao was still kneeling in place last night.Seeing her come out, Xiaocao hurriedly crawled up to her, with tears in her big eyes, looked at her pitifully, tugged at her sleeves, and shouted timidly: "Miss..."

Han Shushu waved Xiaocao's hand away, and quickly walked away from Xiaocao's sight.

She went to the dining room, but saw Nan Gong waiting at the main table, but there was no food on the table.

It was only then that she remembered that Xiaocao had been making breakfast since she moved into the south courtyard.

"I heard that you are going to drive Xiaocao out of the South Courtyard. Wait a little while, I'll let Nishang and Luoying make breakfast." Nangong beckoned Han Shushu to sit down.

He didn't sleep well last night, and seeing Han Shushu's haggard face now, he knew that the girl didn't sleep well either.

Is it because Xiaocao can't sleep well, or is it because of him...

Han Shushu sat at the dining table, staring at a certain place in a daze.

"What are you thinking?" Nangong broke the silence and asked, he wanted to ask her why she suddenly wanted to drive Xiaocao away, and he was afraid of making her sad.

"Xiaocao has been with me for a long time, and I am reluctant to send her away. However, there is no banquet in the world that never ends, and when it is time to leave, it should be over." Han Shushu pulled his lips into a smile, turned to look at Nangong, Suddenly a strange smile appeared.

Nangong's heart trembled, and he asked, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Han Shushu smiled and shook his head, raised his chin, and tapped on the dining table: "Can you make your woman prepare breakfast quickly, I'm hungry."

After all, Xiaocao is capable, and he can make a breakfast soon.

Now Nishang and Luoying together can't manage a breakfast together, although they are beautiful, they are not virtuous at all.The woman Nangong likes is just like this.

Hearing Han Shushu's words "your woman", Nangong felt very embarrassed for no reason.

Luo Ying is indeed his concubine, but Nishang is not, she is just his maid, should he explain to Xiao Shu?
At this time, Han Shushu's voice came into his ears again: "Young Master Nan, it's better to treat your women better. You make them feel insecure. I am most afraid that they will mistakenly think that there is something between you and me." What shameful emotional entanglement..."

"Doesn't everything that happens between us count?"

Nangong suddenly felt a little unhappy when he interrupted Han Shushu.

She admired him for many years and vowed to marry him.For him, Xiao Shu suffered a lot, and was jealous with other women.

Just yesterday, they had a relationship.

With all kinds of things like this, in Xiao Shu's opinion, can he forget if he just forgets?

 Dear friends, some people say they don't understand what Shu Shu is going to do, there is no doubt that he wants revenge.No matter how broad-minded and optimistic Shu Shu is, can she let go of the hatred in her heart easily?If some relatives don't understand what happened because of skipping chapters, then the nest has nothing to say.How deep is the love, how strong is the hatred, the most bitter thing is Shun Shu, which means that Shisan is wronged, he owes Shun Shu this calamity.

(End of this chapter)

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