Chapter 847 Thirteen, don't cry... (1)

"Did something happen between us?" Han Shushu asked quietly, staring at Nangong with clear eyes.

Looking at the pair of beautiful eyes in front of him, Nangong suddenly remembered that when he was entangled with her body, she also looked at him with such eyes...

At this moment, Luoying and Nishang entered with breakfast.

Han Shushu's attention was diverted, she looked at the unsightly breakfast on the dining table, shook her head and laughed.

A few bowls of black lumps, I am afraid that eating will cause diarrhea.

Luo Ying looked slightly embarrassed, and murmured, "I'm not good at cooking."

Nishangchu remained silent, disdaining to look at Han Shushu.She was also a lady from an official family, and she never washed her hands to make soup.

Why did Han Shushu look down on them?

"Forget it, I'm going to order a bowl of noodles, you can eat these things." Han Shushu simply got up and went to the kitchen.

Seeing this, Nangong also followed.

Luoying and Nishang looked at each other, they both felt that Han Shushu could only show off, and it was impossible for him to cook.

Who knew that Han Shushu had prepared a bowl of noodles neatly, and just as she was about to eat it, Nangong suddenly intercepted it.

Han Shushu gave Nangong a cold look and did not argue with him about this matter.She quickly ordered another bowl of noodles for herself to finish her breakfast.

"Xiao Shu, your cooking skills are still as good as before." After eating the noodles, Nangong was still not satisfied, and looked at Han Shushu intently.

It feels like stepping back in time.

When they were tired from playing when they were young, he would order Xiao Shu to cook delicious food for him.

They also sat at the door of the kitchen like this, talking and laughing as childhood sweethearts.

If he was honest, before he was a man, he liked Xiao Shu very much, and he liked Xiao Shu to cling to him all the time, chasing after him with his short legs, shouting in a soft baby voice : "Nan Shao, wait for me..."

Everything in the past seemed within reach, he was still him, and she was still her, but they could no longer go back to the past.

She will never look at him with such infatuated eyes again, and will never be jealous of other women because of him.In Xiao Shu's heart, Nan Shao has already been tied up with those unpleasant past events, and was thrown into the wind by her...

"I thought my cooking skills had improved."

Han Shushu got up as he spoke, and walked away without turning his head.

"Xiao Shu..."

Nangong's voice came from behind.

She paused slightly, looked back, and waited quietly for him to finish speaking.

"Why not, you will always be my wife, how about we stay together?" Nangong raised his voice and asked.

Perhaps this is also a good ending, just as repaying her 20 years of love.

Han Shushu smiled slightly.Without making a sound, he bowed his head and left like this.

Luoying and Nishang saw it clearly, and their hearts were half cold.

They found that if they wanted to compete with Han Shushu for the King of Xiaoyao, their chances of winning were slim.

Han Shushu just gave King Xiaoyao a bowl of noodles, and King Xiaoyao would lose his life's happiness.Maybe they should also learn how to cook well, so that they can compete with Han Shushu.

After breakfast, Han Shushu wanted to go back to Shuzhai.

When she saw Xiaocao kneeling in front of Shu Zhai from a distance, her footsteps froze and she could no longer move forward.

She stood there in a daze for a while, and then left the south courtyard with a heavy heart.

The south courtyard is some distance away from the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She walked in the spacious and clear palace road, looking at all kinds of majestic and magnificent palaces, she felt very calm.

On the way, I met many palace people, and they were all whispering about the fact that the new emperor was about to accept a new concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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