Chapter 853 Thirteen, don't cry... (7)

Just as Chu Shisan had finished speaking, Han Shushu undressed and took off his belt.

His eyes were slightly condensed, and he fixedly looked at the woman's body in front of him.In terms of beauty, she is not as good as other women.In terms of her enchanting figure, she is not as good as others.

When Han Shushu stood naked in front of him, he looked at her calmly.

"Thirteen, don't you want me?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan curiously and asked.

The man in front of him sat still like an old monk, seemingly unmoved.

You know, she came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation just to serve her bed.If he didn't accept the goods, it wouldn't make any sense for her to come here.

Chu Shisan looked at Han Shushu for a long while, then picked up the dragon robe that was put aside, and wrapped her clean and thin body in it.

"You talk to me tonight, I don't need you to sleep with me." Chu Shisan put Han Shushu on the dragon couch, and he lay down beside her.

"I thought you would never get tired of my body. It seems that I'm too ugly for you to look down on me." Han Shushu looked curiously at the dragon robe on his body.

Unexpectedly, she would be able to wear a dragon robe nearby once in her life. It was a novel experience.

"You're too thin now, you won't come to bed until you get fatter." Chu Shisan gently stroked Han Shushu's soft hair.

"If I don't gain weight in this life, then you will never touch me again in this life?" Han Shushu said, approaching Chu Shisan with a smile.

She just wanted to tease him, but he held an unruly hand.

"Girl, why do you need contraception?"

After a moment of silence, Chu Shisan asked.

"I'm studying medicine, and I'm going to apply what I've learned. How can there be so many reasons?" Han Shushu smiled back innocently.

"What happened that day when you and Nangong were collecting herbs?" Chu Shisan asked again.

He had been waiting for her to explain to him, but she just showed up today.

"Isn't it just picking medicine? What else can happen? Do I look like your prisoner, and I'm going to be interrogated like this?" Han Shushu said as he got off the dragon couch and was about to take off his dragon robe. The next moment, She was brought back to the couch by Chu Shisan.

Chu Shisan's warm breath enveloped her, "Okay, I won't ask any more, until the day you want to talk, you can lie here for a while before going back."

Han Shushu hid in his warm embrace and nodded silently.

An hour later, she quietly got up and dressed neatly.

Before leaving, she pressed a kiss on Chu Shisan's forehead, "San Shisan, I'm sorry."

When she returned to Beijing, she told herself that no one can control her fate from now on, even if she is as strong as Thirteen.

She has things she wants to do and things she needs to do.

Han Shushu quietly left the back bedroom.

After she left, Chu Shisan opened his eyes, and his gaze was fixed on the potted plants newly sent by Han Shushu.

The plants there are lush and green and grow proudly.

Maybe one day, his beams will be so vibrant, and he will regain his former joy.

After Han Shushu left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she rejected Wanxin's kindness, and she needed to be quiet for herself.

She strolled along the long and remote palace road alone, as if she was the only one left in the whole world.She also asked herself, according to her temperament, she can smile calmly about all the bad things and misfortunes, and just let it go.

In this way, she can continue to live heartlessly.

Just like she was abandoned by Nangong again and again, she laughed it off again and again, telling herself that everything would be fine, and one day Nangong would find her good and fall in love with herself.

(End of this chapter)

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