Chapter 854 Thirteen, don't cry... (8)

In the end, what did she get?
She was still abandoned by the man she loved for 20 years. She dared not go out or look in the mirror every day, and lived in a dark corner like a mouse.

After experiencing such a tragic injury, she told herself that she would never let anyone decide her fate again, never!

Han Shushu walked to the south courtyard and saw a person standing in front of the gate of the south courtyard.

He has outstanding demeanor, outstanding temperament, and unrivaled beauty.Once a smile from him would make her heart beat faster, once for him, she dedicated all her enthusiasm.

The deepest love was finally replaced by the deepest hatred, and she finally let him go...

"Are you going to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to humiliate yourself again?" Nangong walked up to Han Shushu in a flash, sneering and pursing his lips.

Han Shushu didn't make a sound, and walked past him.

"I'm talking to you!" Nangong once again blocked Han Shushu's way.

"Where I'm going is my business, not yours. As the concubine of Xiaoyao, I am fortunate enough to serve the new emperor, which proves that I am attractive." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he pushed Nangong away.

"Really? If Chu Shisan knew that you slept with me, would he still want you?"

Nangong's eyes were cold, and he sneered as he looked at Han Shushu's back.

Han Shushu paused, she looked back at Nangong, and said word by word: "I said, nothing happened between me and you!" Why can't Nangong hear her truth?
"I remember very clearly, the slutty look you had when you were lying under me..."

Before Nangong finished speaking, Han Shushu slapped him forcefully: "Please remember this palm clearly, don't mess with me!"

After she finished speaking, she walked away without looking back, and disappeared from Nangong's sight.

Nangong's eyes gradually turned cold.

After a while, he raised his hand, and a man in black knelt down in front of him.

"Go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and send a message, saying, Xiao Shu and I have consummated our marriage."

The man in black froze for a moment, and left in response.

Two quarters of an hour later, a man in black broke into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, alarming Chu Shisan.

Chu Shisan rushed to the scene and found that the man in black had been executed.

He took the letter from the flying knife, and when he saw the content on the letterhead, his eyes darkened slightly.

"Chu Yun, go and bring Shu Shu and Xiaoyao Wang into the Nuan Pavilion."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Chu Yun didn't dare to neglect, and quickly went to the south courtyard.

Seeing Nangong and Han Shushu at this hour, something must have happened.

Nangong was not at all surprised to be seen by Chu Shisan.

He purposely approached Han Shushu, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Shu, I'm also doing it for your own good. You're too tired running between Shisan and me. I'll help you with Shisan. Isn't it lightening your burden?"

Han Shushu gave him a cold look: "Are you playing tricks?"

"What do you mean me to play tricks? I just see Thirteen kept in the dark, see him pity, and expose the truth of certain facts."

Nangong's words made Han Shushu look sideways: "Aren't you afraid that he will kill you in a fit of anger?!"

Where did Nangong get the confidence to think that Chu Shisan would tolerate him in this situation?
Nangong smiled without saying a word.

His enigmatic smile made Han Shushu's heart tremble.

Nangong was confident, why did he think that Chu Shisan would let him go?

Now that Chu Shisan is the emperor, even if Nangong took over Chu Xiaoyao's body and pissed off Chu Shisan, Chu Shisan would probably kill him!

The two, each with their own concerns, entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation and headed for the Nuan Pavilion.

Chu Shisan was sitting on the dragon chair, and when he saw them coming, he threw out the letter in his hand: "Say, what's going on?!"

 Everyone looked at Wo seriously.Wo is so kind, why is Zhong willing to let Shu Shu be trampled by Nangong?Dear friends, when you read the text, you should pay attention to the details. There are so many detailed reminders, but few relatives can see it.The hero and heroine of this article are both physically and mentally clean, absolutely.And the author, Wo, is definitely the kindest mother in history.

(End of this chapter)

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