Chapter 861 Into the limbo (7)

Isn't it ridiculous that someone as deep as Nangong will be played around by her tricks?

"Why did you do this?! You don't hesitate to make a fuss about your own body, you, how can you be so cheap?!" Nangong's face changed again and again, and his eyes showed a ruthless look.

"That's wrong. The woman you slept with that day was not me. It was just your illusion. I told you more than once that there is nothing between you and me. If you don't believe me, what can I do?" Han Shushu shook Kai Nangong's hand curled his lips in mockery.

The mighty Young Master Nangong must never have imagined that one day he would be toyed with and applauded by her.

Perhaps in Nangong's heart, Han Shushu will always be just a pawn, only worth being used.

That's why he was so ashamed and annoyed when he was tricked by her one day.

"It wasn't you that day?!" Nangong was stunned, and quickly blocked Han Shushu's way: "You speak clearly. How did you drug me at that time, what drug did you drug, and why did I think that woman was you... ..."

His voice faded away.

Since that battle, he would think of her every day before going to sleep, and this abnormal phenomenon made him go crazy for a while.

Now it seems that Han Shushu's medicine is also at work.

"It's very simple. I sprinkled the medicine on the grass early in the morning. As long as you touch some, you will have hallucinations. As for the woman you sleep with, it is actually Nishang. I know that you are in love with each other. I have worked hard to make you two perfect." , shouldn't you be grateful to me?"

Han Shushu replied quietly.

Because she drugged Nishang, Nishang herself did not remember the affair with Nangong.

"What's your purpose for doing this?!" Nangong grabbed Han Shushu's arm again and roared in a low voice.

He always thought it was Xiao Shu who had sex with him, never thought it was Nishang.

"I just use you to test the medicine. I want to see if the medicine I developed by myself works. Besides..."

Han Shushu hesitated to speak.

"What on earth do you want to do?!" Nangong asked furiously.

Xiao Shu didn't hesitate to tarnish her reputation, making him mistakenly think that she was sleeping with her, so there must be some sinister purpose in this.

"What's the point of me saying it all, why don't you guess it." Han Shushu shook off Nangong's hand: "Are you unable to afford to lose? Master Nan, let you win every time, how boring is that? You occasionally You should taste the taste of being calculated by others, and if you taste it too much, you will form a good habit."

Nangong's gloomy gaze was fixed on Han Shushu's back, and he suddenly raised his voice: "Your other purpose is to make Shisan hate you and make him hurt, isn't it?!"

Han Shushu's footsteps froze and he didn't make a sound.

"How sure are you that I will tell Shisan about that affair?" Nangong stood in front of Han Shushu the next moment and asked in a low voice.

"I'm going to find a chance to tell him, but you, an adulterer, are ahead of me." Han Shushu looked at Nangong with a half-smile and said, "That's it, you were accidentally used by me again. Thanks for your help. Still have questions?"

After pondering for a long time, Nangong broke the deathly silence: "What else do you want to do next?"

He never thought that Xiao Shu, who was once pure and innocent, would become as scheming as he is now?

It turned out that he had always underestimated Xiao Shu.

A strange smile appeared between Han Shushu's brows and eyes: "Young Master Nan, keep guessing, and tell me when you figure it out."

There are many, many things she wants to do, and she will make people who hurt her hurt more than she does!
The first person she has to deal with is Nangong.

(End of this chapter)

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