Chapter 862 Into the limbo (8)

Nangong was stunned, watching Han Shushu walk away without looking back.

For the first time, he discovered that he had never known Xiao Shu before.Maybe it's because he never paid attention to her that he didn't realize this until today.

At the end of the day, Nangong was full of worries.

After learning that Nishang had returned to the South Yard, he went to the kitchen and found Nishang in the kitchen.

Nishang is busy in the kitchen.With her tall figure and slender waist, coupled with her incomparable coquettishness and softness, she is naturally a beauty embryo selected in a million.

What he never expected was that the woman he could never forget was Nishang.

After Nishang finished her work, when she turned around, she saw Nangong standing quietly behind her. Unprepared, she gasped in fright.

"Take off!"

When Nangong uttered the word "Dan" coldly, Nishang's face changed slightly.

"This, this is the kitchen." She muttered.

Nangong's sharp sword was unsheathed, and her vision blurred.When he regained his composure, he found that the clothes on his body had slipped to the ground.

It was broad daylight, and it was in the kitchen. Nishang was ashamed and embarrassed. She wanted to hug her body, but she couldn't hide all the scenery on her body.

Just when she was at a loss, Xiaoyao Wang disappeared into the kitchen in a flash.

Her eyes were slightly wet, she pulled up her clothes and ran out of the kitchen...

On the other side, Nangong went to an open place, dancing wildly with swords, venting the anger in his heart.

He still couldn't figure out why he was angry.Even if he was played by Xiao Shu once, he didn't need to be serious.Xiao Shu's Taoism is too shallow, and he can't make any big waves.

But when he saw Nishang standing in front of him naked, he didn't feel the slightest joy, and that body didn't even arouse any desire in him.

He clearly remembered the joy of that day, only Xiao Shu's eyes...

Now that he is so abnormal, could it be related to the medicine that Xiao Shu gave him?
Thinking of this, Nangong withdrew his sword, went to the medicine room, and kicked open the door.

Han Shushu, who was distributing the herbs, heard the sound and looked towards the source of the sound. He glanced at Nangong who looked unhappy, and asked softly, "When did I provoke you again?"

Nangong kept silent, rushed to Han Shushu, and suddenly tore her clothes with force.

Han Shushu reacted quickly, she hurriedly straightened her dress, and stared at Nangong vigilantly: "What do you want to do?!"

"If you dare to seduce me, I will help you!" Nangong said, tearing Han Shushu's clothes vigorously.

Although Xiao Shu's body is not as plump as other beauties, she is still a woman anyway.As long as he has used this body, he will find that it is nothing more than that.It must be because she gave him a problem with the medicine that he couldn't forget her so much.

Seeing Nangong go crazy, Han Shushu took a few steps back quickly: "I told you, it wasn't me that day! You want a woman, go find Nishang!"

The hostility in Nangong's eyes made her uneasy, he has always been graceful, this time she just took him into the army.

The game has just started, can't you play like this?

"very good!!"

Nangong gritted her teeth, threw Han Shushu to the ground with all her strength, and tugged at her clothes.

When he saw her slender and delicate body, his breathing quickened, his eyes were bloodshot, his throat rolled, and he suddenly had desire...

He was taken aback by his unusual reaction.

Seeing Nangong distracted, Han Shushu knew that the opportunity was rare, and the silver needles appeared in his palms.She raised and lowered the needle, and quickly and ruthlessly plunged into several pain points in Nangong...

(End of this chapter)

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