The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 863 Three Murderers: Xiaocao's Identity

Chapter 863 Three Murderers: Xiaocao's Identity (1)

This is the first time for Han Shushu to perform acupuncture, so I don't know if the acupuncture points are accurate...

When she heard Nangong cry out in pain, a little surprise flashed in her eyes.

When the matter was over, she simply injected needles into Nangong's acupoints such as the mental foramen, the back of the shell, Fuzhi, and Yapang.

Nangong was motionless, staring at her viciously.

She smiled when she saw this, and then injected a needle into Nangong's Fushang, Fuming, Jawbottom, Tianzhu and other acupoints.

This time, Nangong gave her a sad and indignant look, and just fell down at her feet.

Han Shushu kicked Nangong's body with his feet, and seeing that he didn't move, she felt that the opportunity must not be missed.

Normally, no living person would let her do experiments, but today Nangong wanted to rape her, so of course she could use his body for free and use his acupuncture points to do experiments for her.

He delivered the goods himself, who is to blame?

After half an hour, Nangong finally woke up.

When he saw that his body was densely covered with needle marks, his face turned ashen.

He searched in the south courtyard, and finally saw Han Shushu eating in the dining room.

"Xiao Shu, you deserve to die!" He stepped forward and grabbed Han Shushu by the collar, furious.

Seeing his hostility, Han Shushu patted the back of his hand and said, "As far as health preservation is concerned, a bad temper can easily lead to various problems. You are young and have such a violent temper, which is not good for your health."

She hasn't settled with him yet, yet he has the nerve to lose his temper at her?

"Today's soup is not bad, would you like a bowl?" Han Shushu asked quietly.


Nangong was speechless.

"Nishang, bring your master a bowl of soup and set him on fire." Han Shushu pushed Nangong away a little and continued to eat.

After that, Nangong drank the soup in one gulp, and his complicated eyes turned to Han Shushu who was eating and drinking from time to time.

Does this count as lure wolves into the house?

It was he who taught her the art of poison medicine, but she used it against him.

It didn't take long for Xiao Shu to apply what he had learned.If the time is longer, will she come from behind?

Just when Nangong was in a complicated mood, Chu Shisan came unexpectedly.

Seeing Chu Shisan coming, Xiao Shu immediately opened his eyes with a smile, which was obviously a differential treatment.

"Thirteen, have you had your dinner yet?" Han Shushu stood up to greet him, his eyebrows and eyes became gentle.

Chu Shisan shook his head.

"Nishang made delicious food today, why don't you just eat some here." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he added a bowl of rice to Chu Shisan and put it in front of him.

At this time, Nangong said calmly: "The South Courtyard is not the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The people here are very poisonous, especially women. Thirteen, you are not afraid that if you eat Xiao Shucheng's food, you will die for no reason. ?”

Chu Shisan glanced at the yin and yang Nangong, and then at Han Shushu.

"Don't pay attention to Nangong, hurry up and eat." Han Shushu said, and added another bowl of soup to Chu Shisan himself.

Chu Shisan buried his head in his meal, looking at Han Shushu from time to time.

"Just say what you have to say." Seeing that Chu Shisan hesitated to speak, Han Shushu looked at him encouragingly.

"I want to stay overnight in the South Courtyard tonight, what do you think?" Chu Shisan expressed his thoughts.


Han Shushu was a little embarrassed.

Logically speaking, Thirteen is the master of the palace, where he wants to live is not a matter of a word.

But now she is Princess Xiaoyao, and in the eyes of the world, she is already a married woman.

Shisan was already inappropriate to live in the South Courtyard last night. If he lives here again tonight, it is very bad to develop such a bad habit.

"Go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and rest. If you really can't sleep, I'll sleep with you."

(End of this chapter)

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