The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 864 Three Murderers: Xiaocao's Identity

Chapter 864 Three Murderers: Xiaocao's Identity (2)

As soon as Han Shushu said this, Nangong slapped the table with a palm: "Xiao Shu, you are Princess Xiaoyao, and I am your man—"

"Shu Shu, let's go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Chu Shisan put down the bowl and chopsticks, and took Han Shushu's hand.

Nangong looked coldly at the backs of Chu Shisan and Han Shushu as a pair.

Chu Shisan felt the sight behind him, and he looked back at Nangong: "If you lack women, I can give you more. As for yours, I want it!"

As a man, the most taboo thing is to meet an opponent like Nangong.

He used to think that Nangong was not interested in Han Shushu, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"At least give Nan a little face." Han Shushu said so, but he took the initiative to take Chu Shisan's arm, and did not forget to turn his head to give Nangong a demonstration.

Nangong looked unpredictable, watching Han Shushu and Chu Shisan walk away together, at this moment, he understood Xiaoshu's "good intentions".

Not only did she want to make Chu Shisan hurt, she also wanted to take revenge on him and embarrass him.

No wonder she refused to be Chu Shisan's favorite concubine, but wanted to guard the title of Princess Xiaoyao, so she wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate him!
Sure enough, Xiao Shu has grown up, is promising, and knows how to play tricks.

Dare to count him?

very good.He wanted to see who would win in the end.

What he couldn't understand was why Xiao Shu would include him in the count.When she needed human care the most, he was the only one by her side, and it was he who pulled her back from the gate of hell and saved her life.

It was he who devoted himself to teaching her medical skills and poison skills. Why would this woman avenge her kindness in the end?

How could Xiao Shu think that she could take any revenge?

Nangong lost his appetite and put down the bowl and chopsticks.

Thinking that he would be tricked by a woman like Xiao Shu, he felt very unhappy!
On the long and remote palace road, the maids held palace lanterns, illuminating the road ahead.

The endless palace walls and majestic guards on duty are the unique scenery of the palace.

Because Han Shushu didn't want to ride in the chariot, Chu Shisan let her hold his arm. The two of them didn't speak, only the sound of heavy or light footsteps echoed clearly on the palace road.

"I really want to keep walking with you like this." Chu Shisan lowered his eyes and glanced at the woman beside him.

She was wearing plain clothes today, because there was no one to serve her, and she was not good at handling her hair bun, and she simply tied the black hair behind her back, which was a bit messy.Most of the hair covered her delicate face, making her face more delicate.

Only then did he realize that she was wearing less clothes.

He took off the cloak on his body, wrapped her thin body tightly, and said softly: "Why don't you wear more in such a cold day? The cloak I gave you when I was in the grassland can be worn in such a weather." Come in handy."

After returning to Beijing, he seemed to have never seen her draped once.

"It's such a good thing, I don't want to use it. I'll keep it well." Han Shushu raised his eyebrows and smiled, and put his hand in Chu Shisan's warm palm.

The rough callus on his palm reassures her, and his warmth is the temperature she likes.

As he said, if she can go on like this forever, she will be happy...

Chu Shisan held Han Shushu's little hand tightly.

Her palms used to be thick and fleshy, soft.Now all he can feel is her clapping jade palm.

The little girl who used to be so generous and simple, has become so deep in the city that he can't figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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