Chapter 871 The Fall of Love (1)

The imperial physicians did not dare to disobey the order, and withdrew from the Hall of Mental Cultivation one by one.

After dispatching the imperial physician, Chu Shisan said to the Queen Mother: "My son is fine, the queen mother should go back, there is King Xiaoyao here to see my son, everything will be fine."

"You are the king of a country now, the body of the dragon is important. Are you sure you are all right?"

The queen mother is worried.

Chu Shisan repeatedly assured that the Queen Mother left the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After the Queen Mother left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Chu Shisan ordered Nangong: "You also retreat!"

Nangong suddenly grasped his pulse, and after checking his pulse, he frowned and asked, "Did you know that you were poisoned?"

This kind of poison will not kill people, but if it takes a long time, it may only hurt the body.

It's pretty much what a certain woman would do.

After all, her current mantra is to test medicine.When she is interested, she will find a hapless ghost to test the medicine.

Only this time, the target of her drug test was changed to Chu Shisan.

Nangong glanced around, and when he saw the pot of basil, he fixed his eyes.

After a short sniff, he noticed something was wrong.

Basil has the effect of calming the nerves, but smelling this pot of basil makes people dizzy, it is obvious that Xiao Shu has tampered with it.

"They are all good apprentices you have taught. They are so bold that they dare to test me for poison." Chu Shisan took the potted plant and put it aside.

"You know it's poisonous, but you still keep it by your side. Is this trying to play a trick?" Nangong sneered.

I'm afraid that Chu Shisan can't do anything to soften Xiao Shu's heart now, that woman is hard-hearted now.

Because he couldn't find Chu Xiaoyao to vent, he and Chu Shisan became scapegoats.

"You reminded me that you can try a bitter trick."

Chu Shisan looked at Xiaocao who was in a daze at the side: "Xiaocao, go and bring Shushu to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and say that I fainted, and no imperial doctor can diagnose what disease I have."

Xiaocao described it as haggard and in a trance.

She glanced at Chu Shisan, shook her head and replied, "Miss doesn't want to see me, so I won't go."

"Wanxin, you go." Chu Shisan looked at Wanxin and said.

Xiaocao is now the most famous maid in the Palace of Mental Cultivation, and it is even more difficult for Xiaocao to do something serious than ascend to heaven.

Wan Xin responded, and went to the south courtyard.

She quickly found Han Shushu and told Han Shushu that Chu Shisan had fainted.

Han Shushu fell on the couch, motionless, as if he couldn't hear her.

"Miss, the emperor fell ill, and all the imperial physicians couldn't diagnose the emperor's illness. The girl is the proud disciple of King Xiaoyao, so she will definitely be able to find out the emperor's illness." Wanxin carefully observed her words, for fear of offending Han Shushu.

Han Shushu glanced at Wanxin: "I don't have time, so find Nan Shao to pass the Hall of Mental Cultivation. When you go out, close the door, I want to rest."

Now she just wants to sleep to death, not thinking about anything.

As for Chu Shisan, he couldn't die for a while, and at worst fainted, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

Or is it because Chu Shisan is the emperor now that his life is more precious?
Seeing that Han Shushu was ignoring him, Wanxin had nothing to do, so he returned to the Hall of Yangxin to report to Chu Shisan.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Nangong wanted to detoxify Chu Shisan, but Chu Shisan was unwilling to be healed.

Both of them have their own selfishness.

Nangong didn't want Han Shushu and Chu Shisan to meet face to face.

Chu Shisan hoped to take this opportunity to meet Han Shushu.

The two were at a stalemate, and Wanxin returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Wanxin conveyed Han Shushu's meaning in this way, Chu Shisan thought for a moment and said: "You carried me to the South Courtyard, and said that I was unconscious, and asked her to wake me up."

(End of this chapter)

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