Chapter 872 The Fall of Love (2)

Wanxin dared not object.

Now that Han Shushu has the initiative, her words are more powerful than the words of the current emperor.

Nangong looked coldly at the people in Hall of Mental Cultivation to accompany Chu Shisan in acting, and he said in a low voice, "Xiao Shu hates people playing tricks, especially in such an obvious scene, if she sees it, she might think you are naive .”

He dropped the words and left.

Perhaps it is reasonable for Han Shushu and Chu Shisan to reconcile as soon as possible.After all, the more Han Shushu cared about Chu Shisan, the more likely his plan would be successful.

But he was unwilling to deliver Xiao Shu to Chu Shisan's palm like this.

Two quarters of an hour later, a group of people from the Hall of Mental Cultivation went to the south courtyard in a mighty manner, and carried the "comatose" Chu Shisan to Shuzhai.

Chu Shisan's purpose, of course, is to hope that Han Shushu can heal himself.

I don't want Wanxin to come out quickly after entering Shuzhai, her face is not very good-looking.

"A moment ago, my servant wanted to find a girl to help the emperor heal his illness, but she couldn't wake her up when she entered the room. From the look of the girl, she doesn't seem to be asleep."

Chu Shisan, who was pretending to be sick, heard it clearly, he jumped up and rushed into Shuzhai.

When he saw Han Shushu lying motionless on the couch, his heartbeat almost stopped.

He went to the couch, carefully sniffed Han Shushu's breath, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he felt her slow breathing.

The original intention was to play tricks on Han Shushu, and he didn't want this woman to fall asleep before him. Did she know him too well, or did she avoid him in this way because she didn't want to face him?

And when he saw her so sleepy, he panicked.

"Let me see." Nangong's voice sounded behind Chu Shisan.

Hearing this, Chu Shisan gave up his seat and asked Nangong to help Han Shushu see a doctor.

Nangong felt for Han Shushu's pulse, and he said softly, "Xiao Shu is fine, she will wake up after sleeping. Thirteen, you can just go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. I will take care of her here, and she will be fine."

She only fell asleep after taking tranquilizers.

Chu Shisan didn't make a sound, just sat on the couch and looked at Han Shushu's peaceful sleeping face in a daze, as if he didn't hear Nangong's words.

Seeing this, Nangong knew that Chu Shisan could not be driven away.

At the end of the day, Chu Shisan maintained the same sitting position in front of the couch.

It was not until the evening that Han Shushu woke up from his sleep.

"Are you awake?" Chu Shisan's hoarse voice made her turn her eyes.

She struggled to get up: "Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to come over to see if you're dead." Chu Shisan said as he got up, without looking back, he just walked out of Han Shushu's sight.

Han Shushu looked at the direction where Chu Shisan disappeared for a long time before getting up.

She went to the dining room, but Nangong was nowhere to be seen.

After dinner, she thoughtfully brought the meal into Nangong's bedroom.

Nangong was surprised to see Han Shushu.

After all, since he and her have been married for a while, she has never taken the initiative to show affection to him, let alone bring food to him.

Is the sun out in the west today?
"I saw that the food didn't move, and I knew you hadn't eaten dinner yet, so I brought it here for you. Let's get along peacefully in the future. As long as you don't provoke me, I will keep my own place. If you feel that the time is coming, you can tell me Tell me in advance, whatever you ask me, I will help you."

As she spoke, she moved a stool and sat side by side with Nangong.

Under Han Shushu's direct gaze, Nangong felt restless for the first time.

As the saying goes, if you don't have anything to show courtesy, you can either rape or steal. Why does he feel that the food delivered by Xiao Shu is poisonous and he can't eat it?
(End of this chapter)

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