Chapter 883 Sleeping with her dead! (5)

Nangong looked at the closed door for a long time, and raised his voice, "Xiao Shu, is it interesting to play with my relationship with Shisan?"

Han Shushu fell on the couch, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

She would not narcissistically think that she could play with Young Master Nan's feelings.

Instead, I hope that Nishang can live up to her expectations and get pregnant with Nangong's flesh and blood as soon as possible.At that time, if she retaliates with an eye, she may be able to steal Nangong's child.

She hasn't thought about more long-term things, and she doesn't have extra effort to think about them.

Just when she was in a daze, Nangong's voice rang outside the door again: "Xiao Shu, I want to ask you something, and you must answer me truthfully."

Han Shushu remained silent, waiting quietly for what Nangong wanted to say next.

"If one day I want to kill Thirteen, will you stop me?" Nangong asked quietly again.

He wanted to know whether Xiao Shu hated Chu Shisan out of love, or had completely let go of Chu Shisan.

For a paranoid woman like Xiao Shu, he thought it was the former.

"Why should I stop you? It is your ability to kill him." Han Shushu's voice came from the room.

"I can tell you with certainty that I have a way to kill Shisan!" Nangong looked at the door with burning eyes.

After a while, the door opened, and Han Shushu appeared in front of him: "Come in. Tell me, how can you kill him? Is it poison?"

Nangong smiled and said nothing. After entering the room, he lay directly on Han Shushu's couch: "Well, if you dedicate yourself to me, I will tell you how to kill Shisan. Don't worry, it's not poisoning."

Han Shushu frowned and looked at Nangong's expression.

Soon she was sure that Nangong was not joking.

"Come on, what kind of woman do you Nan Shao want? How could you be interested in a ruined flower like me? I remember someone said that even if I stood in front of him naked, he wouldn't be able to see more Take a look at me. As for me, I’d better stop humiliating myself.”

"There are no absolutes in the world. If you are willing to dedicate yourself to me, and I happen to be hungry, I will probably accept your defective product."

Nangong's gaze wandered over Han Shushu.

From a man's point of view, this woman's body is really not attractive at all.I don't know what kind of evil Chu Shisan has fallen into, and he was so fascinated by Xiao Shu.

The majestic king of a country fell into the hands of a woman who was so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary.

It's ridiculous, and even more sad!

Han Shushu followed Nangong's contemptuous gaze and looked at her body. She smiled and undressed in front of Nangong.

She took off her single clothes and threw them on Nangong's body.

When she was wearing obscene clothes and slowly approaching Nangong, she saw his shrinking pupils.

She sneered inwardly.

Man, that's all.

No matter how unattractive her body is, Nangong will still be moved.

She went to Nangong at an excruciating speed, leaned close to his handsome face, and sprayed warm breath on his neck: "Do you really want to throw me down..."

Nangong didn't make a sound, and all he saw was the snow-colored jade muscles on Xiaoshu's chest.

She was very thin, but even so, her smooth skin was enough to make his breath stagnate as a man.

Until her pale lips came towards his, he held his breath and didn't dare to move, he was nervous for no reason, and his palms were sweating.

Seeing that Xiao Shu's lips were about to stick to her, she suddenly moved away and picked up the clothes on his body.

She put on her unlined clothes in front of him, as if no one else was there.

Nangong's brows were deep, and she couldn't ignore the disappointment deep in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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