Chapter 884 Sleeping with her dead! (6)

Nangong once thought that Xiao Shu would kiss him.

They have known each other for so many years, and the closest contact was when she held his hand today.

As for intimate kisses, there had never been one between them.

"When you leave later, close the door for me." Han Shushu said, walked across Nangong, and got on the couch.

She turned around and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Nangong heard her light breathing, but after confirming that she was asleep, he sat absentmindedly for a while.

It could be seen that Xiao Shu didn't regard him as a man, and she was sure that he would not do anything to her.

That's how it was.

How could he have thoughts about Xiao Shu, this is simply impossible!
Nangong returned to his dormitory with a heavy heart, only to see Nishang waiting in the room, seeing him coming, Nishang greeted him in surprise.

She was dressed thinly and wrapped in tulle, and her graceful and seductive figure could be vaguely seen.

At this moment, Xiao Shu's thin body in obscene clothes appeared in front of his eyes without any warning...

"Get out!" Nangong was in a bad mood and growled at Nishang.

Nishang didn't expect Nangong to shout at her suddenly, she hurriedly left the bedroom, the moment she closed the door, she heard a loud "bang" from inside.

She knew that King Xiaoyao just came back from Han Shushu, could it be because Han Shushu affected his mood again?

That night, Nangong slept until midnight and suddenly woke up.

He got off the couch unconsciously, and walked out the door unconsciously. When he realized it, he found himself in front of Xiaoshu's couch.

He saw the face covered by messy hair, thin and small, only the size of his palm.Her nose is small, her mouth is small, and her eyebrows are curved, like the crescent moon hanging in the night sky tonight.

Maybe it was a sweet dream, there was a faint smile on her lips.

If you get closer, you can still hear her whispering in her dream.

When the word "Thirteen" came to his ears, his heart trembled slightly, which made his chest ache.

It turned out that even though she hated that person so much, she still called Shisan's name in her dream.

For the first time in his life, he discovered that he could be jealous of a certain man.

Since when, Xiao Shu broke into his heart with a small gesture, leaving a little trace deep in his heart.

He always felt that if he really fell in love with a certain woman in this life, that woman must be just a cold shadow.

But he never thought that he would care about another woman besides Leng Ying today.And this woman was the little beam he had ever looked down upon the most.

After staring blankly at Xiao Shu's face for a while, Nan Gong left Shu Zhai.

He used to not believe in love, but it was Leng Ying who let him know that he was just an ordinary person.He made an oath to her forever, saying that they would be together forever.

On the day they got married, the situation changed suddenly. He came to this era, and Leng Ying disappeared.

He once promised Leng Ying that he would never let go of her hand for the rest of his life.

He also vowed to fulfill his promise.

As for Xiao Shu, it's just because she has been with her for a long time, and it's because she loves Shisan too much.He saw the beauty and cruelty of love in her, so that today, he fell in love with her love.

The strange feeling he had for Xiao Shu just now was just because she was the beautiful person in love, so he was moved in an instant.

He has his own plan, he must act according to the original plan, and he must not destroy the chess halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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