Chapter 887 beam, kill me (1)

That night, Han Shushu did return to the South Courtyard.

Behind her was a distraught Nangong.

After Nangong took Han Shushu out of the palace, he played with her on the streets of the capital for a whole day.After getting tired, Han Shushu said he wanted to go home.

He thought that Han Shushu was going back to Xiaoyao Palace with him, but Han Shushu said that her home was in the south courtyard of the palace, and that it was her and Shisan's forever home.

He reprimanded her for breaking her promise, but she said that she had complied with his request.When they left the palace, he didn't say that she couldn't go back to the palace.

Just because of a small mistake, he went back to the south courtyard with her.

"Why, did you see your adulterer?"

Nangong asked sarcastically when he saw that Han Shushuchu was at the gate of the south courtyard and did not enter.

"That's right." Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan intently.

He was sitting in the front yard with a clear and elegant face.

Palace lanterns were placed beside the lane in the front yard, as if to illuminate the way home for her.

In modern times, when she was kicked out of Nan's house by Nangong, she was penniless and could only sleep together with homeless people.At that time, she especially hoped that among the thousands of lights, there would be one to illuminate her, and one person was waiting for her.

Thirteen can give her what she wants, why can't she let go of the hatred deep in her heart?

She used to love Nangong so persistently for many years, is it true that she will also spend so many years hating Shisan?

"Are you back?" Chu Shisan got up, walked slowly to Han Shushu, and asked in a low voice.

His eyes were all about her.

He believed that she would come back, but when she came back, he was glad that she really came back.

He greedily wanted to look at her more, but Nangong stood in front of her and dismissed him nonchalantly: "My wife will be taken care of by me, you can go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

"Well, I'll be back now."

Chu Shisan said, went to Han Shushu's body, wrapped the cloak on his arm tightly around her thin body, and said softly: "You are not in good health, it is cold, remember to add more clothes when you go out in the future. "

Han Shushu pursed her dry lips, feeling that there was a wet place on her heart, as if it was raining.

Chu Shisan patted her on the shoulder lightly, and then walked out of the south courtyard.

Han Shushu stood there in a daze, looking at the corner of the cloak.

"I know you don't like what he gave you, and it's okay to destroy it." Nangong said, wanting to take away the cloak wrapped around Han Shushu's body.

Han Shushu grasped it tightly, looked at him coldly, and said word by word: "I decide whether to keep or destroy my things. When will it be your turn to dictate?"

There was a small ball of flame in her eyes, illuminating her large eyes, which appeared clear and bright.

Nangong withdrew his hands embarrassingly, and muttered in a low voice: "You are so fierce, how dare I point fingers at you?"

He thinks it's better to have a cold shadow.Proud but still feminine, Xiao Shu has a stubborn temper, like a stubborn rock, and doesn't know how to change it.

Take feelings as an example, when she falls in love, she will go all the way to the end, and she will not turn back until she hits the south wall.

After experiencing him, she should at least have a longer memory, but who knows that she is completely devoted to Chu Shisan.If not, you won't get hurt because of it.

Han Shushu naturally didn't know Nangong's complicated thoughts.

She wrapped her cloak tightly, stepped on the bluestone path, lightly and shallowly, step by step, and walked forward by the lights on both sides.

The lights flickered, the shadows of the trees whirled, and in a daze, she seemed to see Shisan pacing back and forth on this road when she was waiting for her to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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