Chapter 888 beam, kill me (2)

The stars in the night sky twinkle and twinkle. In the dark and low night, it seems that she can grasp the stars in the sky with her hand, just as she seems to be able to grasp someone's hand with her hand.

It was only when I stretched out my hand that I realized that it was far away in the sky and out of reach.

After returning to Shuzhai, Han Shushu took off her cloak. She put the cloak between her nose and smelled it deeply, as if there was Shisan's breath on it.It was refreshing and refreshing, a taste she would never forget in her life.

After a long time, she took out a lamp and lit the cloak.

She watched the cloak melt little by little, turning into ashes little by little.

When the wind blows, the ashes will be wiped out, warm, affectionate, or infatuated...

"Honey, if you want a cloak, I'll buy you a dozen next time. Just tell me what color you like." Nangong's voice drifted into Han Shushu's ears.

She was stunned for a moment, then she got on the couch in a dispirited manner: "Go back, I'm tired."

The longer I stay in the palace, the less I know what I want.

It takes too much effort to hate one person, and she hated two at the same time.She wanted to find a gap in them to vent her anger, but found that in the end, she was not necessarily very happy.

She didn't even know what it meant to live like this, and why she wanted to live...

When Nangong returned to the dormitory, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't pursued Han Shushu's sudden return to the palace.

Without thinking about it, he turned back to Shuzhai.

When he opened the door and walked in, what he saw was the scene of Xiaoshu cutting his veins.

"You're crazy!!" He quickly rushed to Han Shushu, picked up a piece of clothing, quickly covered her wound, and helped her stop the bleeding.

"Do you think I don't want to live? Don't worry, I'm just experimenting. You have to experience everything in your life, and you must not copy what others say."

Han Shushu let Nangong busy and didn't understand what all the fuss was about.

"Crazy woman!" Nangong scolded in a low voice, but felt a slight pain in his heart.

For the first time in his many years of life, he felt heartbroken for a woman.

Today's Xiao Shu is a lunatic, and he and Chu Shisan joined forces to drive her crazy.

He stabbed her hard first, and then Chu Shisan stabbed her deep wound again, so that now, she was on the verge of collapse and could destroy herself at any time.

"You know, I don't have any dreams these days. I used to dream that the child would run into the dream and cry to me. I saw a very cute baby. It was so beautiful. In the end, the baby turned into a puddle of blood, and there was nothing. left..."

As Han Shushu talked, a strange smile appeared on his Qingbai face.

People are forgetful creatures. After a long time, the scars will heal and the pain will be forgotten.

So many beings leave this world every day, and so many beings come to this world every day.

The coming of life can wash away the sadness of passing away, and she thought she could do it too.

In the future, she may be able to conceive again one day, and then she may be able to forget the bone-biting pain of the miscarriage.

But what to do, she felt that she could not wait for that day.

Nangong looked at Han Shushu's stupid look, and he paused when he bandaged her.

"Xiao Shu, let me kill Shisan for you, okay?" Nangong said hoarsely after a long time.

"I don't allow you to touch him!!" Han Shushu's dull eyes lit up at that moment, staring fiercely at Nangong's face.

Shisan is hers, no one can touch Shisan, and Nangong is not qualified to touch Shisan.

(End of this chapter)

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