Chapter 893 beam, kill me (7)

Han Shushu likes Chu Mubai so much that he is willing to help him prevent all disasters.

How could she be willing to kill him?
"Although you didn't say anything, I know that I must have done something to make you sad. Recently, I always think of my father, who lost his true love for the throne. But because of this, my father I regretted half my life. I don't want to follow in the footsteps of my father, if you think that because I am the emperor..."

"Look, you're talking stupid again. Do you know when you are the most handsome in my eyes?"

Han Shushu got out of Chu Shisan's arms and asked softly.

Chu Shisan shook his head.

"It's the moment when I will help you put on the dragon robe and crown with my own hands!" Han Shushu's eyes showed fascination.

She thought she would never forget that moment in her life.

This man ascended the throne and became the Supreme Master of Southern Chu, his glory was equal to hers.

"With your words, I will always guard the throne."

As Chu Shisan said, he squeezed Han Shushu's little hand tightly.

The two walked hand in hand in the spacious and clear palace road. From the eyes of others, they looked like a loving couple.

The group of women walking towards each other had their own ghosts.

The concubines headed by Tana stared at Han Shushu bitterly.

Since the establishment of Chu Shisan's harem, Chu Shisan has never visited any palace.

It is said that Chu Shisan has no intention of female sex, and all his thoughts are on political affairs.

If he could have used such an excuse to lie to himself before, now seeing the heartwarming scene of Chu Shisan and Han Shushu walking hand in hand, which one would still be able to swallow this breath?

"It's true, Your Majesty. There are so many beauties in the world, which one is not more beautiful than Princess Xiaoyao? Why does the Emperor treat Princess Xiaoyao differently? Our family knows that the Emperor values ​​love and righteousness, but ordinary people outside the palace don't think so. I thought that the emperor coveted his brother's female talents—"

Li Cairen was frothing, but the Queen Mother gave him a cold look.

Her heart trembled, knowing that disaster would come out of her mouth.

No matter how dissatisfied she was, she couldn't criticize the new emperor in front of the queen mother.

Unless she dies!
"The Ai family hates the drama of the harem fighting for favor. Now the emperor's thoughts are not on you, it can only show that you are not working hard enough, and the emperor can't see your goodness. You should review more about what went wrong with yourself, instead of pushing the blame. To someone else!"

The Queen Mother flung her sleeves away, and before leaving, she gave Li Cairen a cold look.

Li Cairen just felt like she was being targeted by a poisonous snake, which made her hands get goosebumps.

The queen mother left, and the other concubines dispersed.

Chu Qiao and Lin Xia got closer, and they returned to the cold Zhongcui Palace together.Waiting for no one around, the two looked at each other with wry smiles.

It is only after entering the palace that one realizes that the world is in a dilemma.

They thought that by marrying into the palace and becoming Chu Shisan's concubine, they would be able to get a look of pity from Chu Shisan from then on.Who knew that it was just the opposite, Chu Shisan never put any concubine in his eyes at all, even if one of them was the daughter of a great general and the other was the daughter of a minister.

If they had known this earlier, would they have squeezed their lives into the palace?
Thankfully, they still have each other.The same is the end of the world, when the two are bored, they talk about their daughter's family, or play chess to pass the time, and the day passes like this...

Early the next morning, Han Shushu took out a hundred-year-old poisonous toad, and was about to get some poisonous juice out.Who knows that he didn't notice for a while, so he let the poisonous toad run out.

(End of this chapter)

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