Chapter 894 beam, kill me (8)

Han Shushu chased all the way out of the south courtyard and ran to the flowers in the imperial garden.She flew forward and suddenly caught the poisonous toad.

Perhaps it was because she lay prone among the flowers, and no one noticed her existence. At this time, there were two maids in front of her with their backs to her and whispering.

"Have you heard that Li Cairen committed suicide by throwing himself into the lake last night?" Maid A whispered.

Maid B disapprovingly replied in a low voice: "What throwing into the lake? In my opinion, it was clearly killed by the empress dowager..."

"You don't want to die, dare to talk nonsense, be careful that this matter spreads, you will lose your life. Besides, who knows that the empress dowager is so soft-hearted, how could she kill the concubines in the harem?" Maid A interrupted Maid B.

"A good sister of mine was on duty at Li Cairen's. Yesterday Li Cairen said that the emperor was looking at a woman who coveted his brother, and the trouble came out of his mouth. It was a coincidence that Li Cairen threw himself into the lake that night. Only a fool like you will believe it. The person who looks more benevolent on the surface may be the most vicious person." Maid B said in a low voice.

When Maid A heard this, she was at a loss for words.

They are all old people in the palace, and they are used to the intrigues in the harem.

They also knew that misfortune came from their mouths, and even if there were doubts about this matter, it was not their turn to intervene.

The two palace servants didn't dare to chew their tongues any more, and quickly walked out of the imperial garden.

Han Shushu struggled to get up from the ground after confirming that the two maids were far away.

Li Cairen was killed by the Queen Mother?
The previous Concubine De looked weak and weak, as if she would fall to the ground if the wind blew, how could she do things like murder and robbery?
Could it be that because she became the empress dowager and was promoted, she became vicious.

Just now those two court ladies spoke with certainty, hiding in this no-man's land and gossiping, it is even more impossible to talk nonsense.

For a while, Han Shushu was a little confused, so he simply went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, intending to find out what Chu Shisan said.

If the queen mother is hypocritical on the surface but vicious in her heart, she needs to remind Chu Shisan.

In this way, Han Shushu wandered to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

As soon as Wanxin saw Han Shushu, her brows were filled with joy, and she immediately stepped forward happily: "Why do you have time to see the emperor?"

"I miss him." Han Shushu said, looking around.

Strange, why don't you see Xiaocao?

Although Xiaocao dare not come out to see her on weekdays, she always hides in a far corner and peeps.

She didn't see Xiaocao when she came here yesterday, and she still doesn't see Xiaocao today, isn't it strange?

"Who is the girl looking for?" Wanxin asked curiously.

"Let Xiaocao come to see me." Han Shushu didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

"Xiaocao is sick. The emperor was afraid that Xiaocao's disease would be contagious, so he asked her to return to the south courtyard of the capital, and return to the palace after recovering from her illness."

Wanxin is kind and kind, and she already has a set of rhetoric.

"Really?" Han Shushu's eyes flashed.

When she is still the deceitful woman before.It was a miracle that Xiaocao would fall ill.

It must be that Chu Shisan sent Xiaocao to do something, so Xiaocao left the palace.

After thinking about it, Han Shushu went to the study, and she proactively stepped forward to help Chu Shisan study ink and watch him review the memorial.

After a moment of silence, Han Shushu asked, "Thirteen, there is one thing I've always been curious about. Does the Empress Dowager know that you are not an eunuch?"

Chu Shisan paused while writing the pen, and slowly shook his head: "At first, I wanted to find a chance to tell my mother, but she was always in poor health. Later, when I became emperor, I didn't say much because I was afraid that my mother would force me to favor the concubines in the harem."

(End of this chapter)

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