The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 908 If You Are Not Crazy, You Are Not a Demon: Chasing the Moon to Poach Corners

Chapter 908 If You Are Not Crazy, You Are Not a Demon: Chasing the Moon to Poach Corners (6)

Chu Linlang's terrifying scream came from behind, and Han Shushu heard it clearly, and couldn't help but smile.

In the past, she didn't understand why everyone in the world wanted the throne, but now she tasted the pleasure of controlling everything.Especially when she doesn't like a person, she can make the other person's life worse than death, which feels very good.

Because there was too much movement on Chu Linlang's side, Chu Shisan was quickly alarmed.

The palace banquet hadn't officially started yet, and a group of people were brought to the imperial court.

At this time, Chu Linlang's face was distorted and deformed, and it was swollen badly. If you didn't look closely, you couldn't tell it was a human face at all.

Han Shushu saw it clearly, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, it was this woman Han Shushu who poisoned me. The Fourth Brother and King Xiaoyao were all present, and they are all witnesses!" Chu Linlang read Han Shushu's book immediately.

Chu Shisan also saw Chu Linlang's face clearly. He turned his eyes away in disgust, looked at Han Shushu and asked, "Shushu, is it you who poisoned Linlang?"

Han Shushu hurriedly shook his head with an innocent face: "It's definitely not me, please learn from the emperor!"

Chu Shisan nodded upon hearing the words: "Yes, I understand."

Chu Linlang looked at Chu Shisan in disbelief, and hurriedly said loudly: "The matter is not clear yet, how can the emperor listen to Han Shushu's one-sided words?"

Even if you want to be partial, you can't be so obvious.

Chu Shisan is the king of a country, how could he be so fascinated by a woman like Han Shushu that he can't tell right from wrong?

"Everyone knows Shu Shu's character. She has a pure nature, and she will never do anything that hurts others. But since you have doubts, I will examine it myself."

Chu Shisan said, looked at Chu Shiyu, and asked, "Fourth brother, you were there at the time, did you see Shu Shu poisoning Lin Lang?"

Chu Shiyu shook his head without hesitation and replied, "No!"

"King Xiaoyao, have you ever seen Shushu poison Linlang?" Chu Shisan looked at Nangong and asked again.

Nangong glanced at Han Shushu, and replied with a sad heart: "Never!"

Only when he dies will he dare to tell the truth.Thinking that he and Han Shushu, a vicious woman, were in the same boat, he felt unhappy.

"You guys are lying!!" Chu Linlang shouted angrily at Chu Shiyu and Nangong.

"Linlang, don't be rude to Xiaoyao Wang and the fourth child. Now the trial is over. If you still want to make trouble out of nothing, I will have to put you in prison!" Chu Shisan looked at Chu Linlang coldly, and a cold air was enveloped him all over.

Chu Linlang shuddered, she didn't dare to look up at Chu Shisan, and said in a low voice with grievance, "But what about my face?"

If she is disfigured, she doesn't want to live.

"Shu Shu and Xiaoyao Wang are both healers. If you kneel down and beg them, maybe they will help you. Otherwise, no one can save you!"

Chu Linlang's resentment was filled with Chu Shisan's words.

It was clearly Han Shushu who poisoned her, why did she kneel down and beg Han Shushu to save her?

But if she doesn't kneel, will she really ruin her beautiful face?

In the end, Chu Linlang put down her figure, knelt down in front of Han Shushu weakly, endured the humiliation and said: "Shu Shu, your lord has a lot, please help me detoxify..."

Han Shushu stepped back exaggeratedly: "Look at the princess kneeling, I can't bear such a big gift. You get up quickly, as a doctor, my duty is to practice medicine and save people. In other words, if the princess asked me earlier If I ask for help, I don’t need to be in pain for such a long time.”

(End of this chapter)

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