The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 909 If You Are Not Crazy, You Are Not a Demon: Chasing the Moon to Poach Corners

Chapter 909 If You Are Not Crazy, You Are Not a Demon: Chasing the Moon to Poach Corners (7)

Chu Linlang clenched her silver teeth, suppressed the anger in her heart, and replied hoarsely: "What Shu Shu said is true, I have been taught."

When she recovered her face, she would return all the humiliation she suffered today to Han Shushu.

She wants to see if Chu Shisan can protect Han Shushu for the rest of his life!

Han Shushu pretended to turn back again, which relieved the poison on Chu Linlang's face.

When this matter is settled properly, the palace banquet will almost officially begin.

Not long after, Qin Zhuiyue and Chu Shisan took them inside, and they climbed to the top together.

Chu Shisan was wearing a dragon robe, and Qin Zhuiyue was wearing brocade clothes.

One is clear and refined, elegant and charming, while the other is suave and suave, extremely handsome.

They all have a kind of domineering king, which makes people dare not look up.

Han Shushu was not in the mood to admire the handsome man, she leaned on Nangong's shoulder boredly, yawning again and again.

Nangong really wanted to push Han Shushu away.

what does this look likeDidn't you see that everyone was sitting upright, but she was the only one, whether she was sitting or not, everyone was worshiping the Emperors of the Two South and the North, but she was so lucky that she actually had the nerve to yawn.

Even the empress dowager in the first seat was looking at Han Shushu, let alone Chu Shisan and Qin Zhuiyue.

This woman really knows how to find enemies for him.

Chu Shisan had always disliked him, and after tonight's battle, he was afraid that someone would be sent to deal with him at any time.

As for Qin Zhuiyue, he is not a good guy either.

From the moment he appeared on the star-chasing platform, his eyes never took his eyes off Han Shushu's face.

He didn't understand. Han Shushu was just a skinny monkey. If she wanted beauty, she didn't have beauty, she wanted temperament but she didn't have temper, and she wanted talent, let alone talent. What was it about her that made the two emperors fall in love with each other?

"Don't think I don't know what you're planning!" Nangong shouted at Han Shushu in a low voice.

Han Shushu smiled: "Then tell me, what is my plan?"

"You want both Qin Zhuiyue and Chu Mubai to hate me! Then I will be attacked by the enemy, and I will not be able to defend myself. I may not know how I will die one day." Nangong raised his eyes to Chu Shisan and Qin Zhuiyue.

Seeing that the two men were staring in his direction, they were undoubtedly looking at him and Han Shushu "showing affection".

"Look at what you said, Qin Zhuiyue already has a harem of three thousand, why should I provoke him for no reason? Besides, he has never done anything wrong to me, and he is the only person I will not hurt." Han Shu Shu played with her own fingers and replied quietly.

The most she wanted was to make Shisan more jealous. This would also add a little more interest to Shisan's life, and she was also doing it for Shisan's good.

"If Qin Zhuiyue hears this, I don't know whether he should be happy or regret it."

Nangong really couldn't stand Han Shushu, seeing her keep getting into his arms, he simply pushed her away: "Sit upright!"

A watery woman, do you think he is a piece of wood?
Seeing that Han Shushu had almost finished playing, he didn't continue.

She ate a lot of fruit, and looked at Chu Shisan and Qin Zhuiyue who were chatting with each other from time to time.

Don't know what they are talking about.

This stupid dinner party is very boring, it's better to let her go back to the South Hospital to read more medical books, it's better than being a jade flower here and wasting precious time.

After forcing himself to sit for a while, Han Shushu simply got up, intending to leave the star-chasing platform.

Nangong opened his lips coldly: "The banquet is not over yet, where are you going?"

Leaving at this time, what will the civil and military officials think of him?

On such an important occasion, only Han Shushu dared to leave midway.

"To commit suicide by jumping into the lake, do you want to go with me?" Han Shushu looked at Nangong with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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