The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 911 Emperor's Wrath: I'm Tired of Playing!

Chapter 911 Emperor's Wrath: I'm Tired of Playing! (1)

Han Shushu shook his head slowly: "Qin Zhuiyue, I don't love you."

"It doesn't matter if you don't love me, I just want to marry you..."

"Forget it, if you insist on this, we have nothing to say." Han Shushu got up and walked out of the pavilion.

Qin Zhuiyue stared blankly at Han Shushu's slender back, and took two steps to catch up: "Shu'er, why can't I?"

She doesn't love Xiaoyao Wang, but she can marry Xiaoyao Wang. Why can't Dudu follow him and be his wife?

"Because you are Qin Zhuiyue. You are very good and perfect and cannot be destroyed by me. If you can, you should let me go. One day I will disappear in your world. Don't come to see me again, I'm very busy and don't have time to meet irrelevant people."

After Han Shushu finished speaking, he walked away quickly.

Qin Zhuiyue froze in place, watching Han Shushu's body merge into the dark night.

She changed, became ruthless.

He too had changed, become insensitive.

He still wants to get this woman, perhaps because of his obsession, maybe because he wants to conquer Han Shushu.

If he had worries about the future before, now he is very sure that he not only wants to recover Southern Chu, but also takes Han Shushu from Chu Shisan.

Since Chu Shisan can't give Han Shushu happiness, then he will protect her instead.

"Cailian, follow the original plan!" Qin Zhuiyue ordered in a cold voice.

Cailian came out from the darkness. She glanced at Qin Zhuiyue with a blank expression, then looked in the direction Han Shushu was leaving, and boldly said: "Your Majesty, Miss has changed a lot. She is no longer the woman the Emperor liked before. Why do you want to go to war for Miss?"

Is it worth shaking up the whole world for a Han Shushu?

"No matter how she changes, she is still my favorite Shu'er. You just follow the orders. If you don't obey the orders, you should know what will happen to you."

As soon as Qin Zhuiyue said this, Cailian immediately knelt down on the ground: "Your servant will follow the emperor's orders and dare not make mistakes!"

After she finished speaking, she jumped away and disappeared into the night.

Han Shushu walked for a while before he said to the man hiding in the night, "Don't hide, come out."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Shisan appeared.

Dressed in a dragon robe, he is handsome and has deep pupils like ancient wells. He looks cold and evil in the dark night, which is heart-wrenching.

"How do you know I'm here?" Chu Shisan took Han Shushu's hand and asked quietly.

His qinggong is very good, and his martial arts are also good, how could this girl know that he is nearby?

"Because you smell in the air." Han Shushu squinted and smiled, his eyes were like crescent moons, beautiful and vivid.

"Really?" Chu Shisan unconsciously embraced her slender waist.

When Han Shushu heard this, he laughed and fell into his arms: "Why are you so easy to deceive? Of course I'm lying. I think you always knew that Qin Zhuiyue had plans for me, so you must not worry about him coming to me to reminisce about the old days. love."

"I hope you can really smell me." Chu Shisan hugged the woman who was pushing into his arms.

He recalled the scene where she slipped into Nangong's arms during the previous palace banquet.

Thinking of this, all the good mood disappeared...

"What are you thinking about?" Han Shushu quickly noticed the change in Chu Shisan's mood, and asked, looking up at his face.

"Looking at the way you poisoned Chu Linlang today, it should be the true story of a poison doctor, right?!" Chu Shisan led the topic without any trace.

(End of this chapter)

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