The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 912 Emperor's Wrath: I'm Tired of Playing!

Chapter 912 Emperor's Wrath: I'm Tired of Playing! (2)

"So?" Han Shushu stood on tiptoe and approached Chu Shisan's beautiful thin lips while speaking.

Chu Shisan's breathing was a little messy, he pushed her face away, and said in a hoarse voice: "Since Nangong is useless, it's time to leave the palace."

"His use value is too high, I can't leave. I want to keep him, play with him slowly, tease him, so that he can't live or die. Until one day, I am tired of playing with him, and I will give him another happy time." .”

Han Shushu said with a smile.

"The most poisonous woman's heart, the old saying is always true," Chu Shisan's eyes flashed: "Do you want to deal with me like this?"

Coax him when he is happy, alienate him when he is unhappy, raise his appetite so high that he can't see it, make him feel itchy, is that so?

"What do you think?" Han Shushu asked with a smile.

She herself didn't know how to deal with Shisan, she obviously hated him very much, and every time she wanted to do something to him, she was reluctant to do it.

It was Chu Shisan who answered her with a doting smile: "Being played to death by you is also a kind of blessing, which no one else can ask for."

Since it was a blessing, how could he not want it?

"What a fool." Han Shushu lowered his brows, slipped out of Chu Shisan's arms, and said in a low voice, "I'm tired, go back to the South Courtyard to rest, and you should go back to rest earlier. By the way, be careful of Qin Zhuiyue." , his trip to Southern Chu has evil intentions."

She was about to leave, but Chu Shisan quickly came to her and hugged her horizontally: "I'll take you back to the South Courtyard."

Han Shushu remained silent, and leaned obediently in his arms: "You have to remember what you said, except me, this place can never rely on any woman again."

She poked hard at Chu Shisan's chest.

If he had other women leaning on her, she would be angry, jealous, and mad.

"Your words are the imperial decree, and I dare not disobey." Chu Shisan's answer reassured Han Shushu.

Leaning in his warm embrace, she murmured silently: "Thirteen, I really want to be in your arms for the rest of my life and not go anywhere..."

"That will last forever."

Chu Shisan replied softly.

Han Shushu leaned against Chu Shisan's chest again, listening to his steady heartbeat.

It turns out that after liking someone for a long time, some minutiae will become clear.

For example, his heartbeat is always slower than that of ordinary people.

His pleasant breath couldn't tell what it smelled like, but she knew it was unique.

Even the sound of his footsteps is also his unique rhythm, whether it is light or urgent, as long as she hears it, she knows that it is him.

"Thirteen, if one day I die, you have to live well." After a long time, Han Shushu's voice came to mind in the silent night.

Chu Shisan's footsteps paused slightly, and his heart seemed to have stopped.

He looked at her face uncertainly.

The night was dark and the lights were dim, illuminating her face so unclearly.

His internal strength is so deep that it is easy to see through at night, why can't he see her clearly at this moment?

"Don't come here to be buried, it's too hypocritical. You have to live my part well, and live happier than anyone else." Han Shushu said, and smiled again: "Of course, I If you are so afraid of death, you will live a good life and live a long life."

Chu Shisan unconsciously hugged her tightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "If you are really dead, I will definitely live a good life and never break my promise. Not only that, but I will also accept three thousand from the harem, pamper a few beauties every day, and be drunk every day. .”

(End of this chapter)

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