The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 913 Emperor's Wrath: I'm Tired of Playing!

Chapter 913 Emperor's Wrath: I'm Tired of Playing! (3)

Han Shushu was taken aback for a while: "That's good."

One day, they will all get used to the days when each other is not around.Even if there is reluctance, sadness, and pity.

She also sometimes wondered, if Shisan hadn't given her poison that time, if Shisan didn't have friends like Chu Xiaoyao, would their child have been able to live healthy.

She was tortured every night, and she told herself more than once, let it go, and grasp the happiness in front of her.

But in the face of Shisanshi, the pain and hatred from the past would bound her endlessly, making her unable to breathe freely.

After entering the palace, she struggled and lingered every time, telling herself that Thirteen didn't do it on purpose and that it wasn't his fault, but she still couldn't forgive him.

Perhaps, what she can't forgive the most is herself, because she, as a mother, was not careful enough to discover the abnormality of her body earlier.

What's the point of talking about the past?
She couldn't let go of her knot, and she couldn't let go of Shisan either.

The only thing she can do now is to leave this person at the right time.

Perhaps as people say, she and Shisan are just in love with each other.

Chu Shisan took Han Shushu to the front of the south courtyard, watched her enter the other courtyard, saw her light footsteps, his heart hurt like being pricked with needles.


He shouted.

Han Shushu looked back, her eyes were shining brightly in the dark night.

"The night is too dark, walk slowly, don't fall." Chu Shisan's soft voice came from the door.

Han Shushu smiled and nodded, but when he turned around, his eyes were full of tears.

Nangong had been waiting in front of Shuzhai early, and when Han Shushu came back, he subconsciously went forward, but saw the mottled tears on her face.

For a moment, he froze in place: "What's wrong?"

Han Shushu quickly wiped away his tears: "The wind is too strong, my eyes are blurred. What do you want me to do?"

Nangong's mind went blank, and he suddenly forgot why he was looking for her.

He was just thinking, the one who made her cry was Chu Shisan, right?

The person who can make her laugh is Thirteen.

At this moment, he actually maliciously wanted to completely break up their pair.

If he can't get it, Chu Shisan can't get it, never!
Han Shushu was not in a good mood. Seeing that Nangong had been silent for a long time, she turned and went into the room.

She stared wide-eyed at the top of the tent for a while, then suddenly got up and wrote something.

It's been a while since she was married to Nangong, and she couldn't think of a better gift for him than this.

She believed that it was a good gift for Nangong.

Another day passed without incident.

At the time of Tianyou, Chu Linlang went to the palace where Tana lived, and the two discussed how to kill Han Shushu.

The two chatted while having dinner, and had a good time.

After dinner, Tana personally sent Chu Linlang out of the palace.

After Chu Linlang left, Tana turned back to the bedroom and was about to take a bath, but Chu Linlang suddenly went back and looked at her directly.

"Linlang, what's the matter?" Seeing that Chu Linlang's eyes were wrong, Tana asked in puzzlement.

Chu Linlang stared at her for a long time, then called her princess.

"If you have anything to say, you might as well just say it..." While Tana was speaking, Chu Linlang suddenly approached her.

It wasn't until Chu Linlang raised the dagger to stab her that she realized something was wrong.

She dodged to hide, but found that her body was weak and unable to exert her internal strength.And Chu Linlang had gone mad, picked up the dagger and stabbed at her...

When Mu Mu rushed to the bedroom, she saw Tana lying in a pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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