The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 931 I can't bear to let go

Chapter 931 I can’t bear to let go (5)

"Young servant, Lingling, I have seen the girl. I have heard many anecdotes about the girl, and I have admired her for a long time. Seeing her today, I can't help but lose my composure. I hope the girl will not blame the servant." , but also impressive.

"Knowing that you have lost your composure, there is still salvation. I will forgive you today, and next time you dare not be big or small, and be careful of your own life."

As Han Shushu spoke, the smile on his face disappeared.As soon as she let go, the brocade box fell to the ground.

The faces of An Sujing and Lingling changed and changed at the same time, and under their gaze, Han Shushu stepped on the brocade box, stepping hard and stepping on it.

"There is nothing missing in the South Courtyard, so naturally I don't need any gifts from anyone. My place is barren and not suitable for any nobles to come and go. From now on, no one from Ancai will come again. I'm in a good mood today, no Arguing with you. Next time, I might let you go back and forth. An Cairen, please."

Han Shushu's intention to see off the guests was obvious, and he looked at An Sujing who was about to cry with a half-smile.

A beauty is beauty, and any posture is captivating.

An Sujing suppressed the tears welling up in her eyes, curtseyed to Han, and said in a hoarse voice: "It's Sujing who is being rude. Sujing came this time because of the emperor. The emperor has been coughing and wheezing recently, although the emperor didn't say anything." , but Sujing knows that the emperor misses the girl. If the girl is free, it is good to visit the emperor once in a while."

"It's enough for the emperor to take care of you. I'm Princess Xiaoyao. If I have nothing to do, I always run to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. It's not ethical."

Han Shushu yawned as he spoke, stretched himself, and headed towards Shuzhai.

An Sujing's master and servant looked at Han Shushu's leaving back, and they all fixed their gazes.

"My lord, what does the emperor like about Miss Han?" After a long time, Lingling asked in confusion.

In terms of appearance, Han Shushu was inferior to any beauties in the palace.In terms of temperament, Han Shushu is not unique.

But the only person the new emperor never forgets is Han Shushu.

Even if she was such a good woman as her master, the new emperor never cared about her.

"There are thousands of styles in the world, and I have a special preference. In the eyes of the emperor, girls are the best." An Sujing lowered her eyebrows and left the South Courtyard.

When she came to the South Court today, she also wanted to know what was so good about Han Shushu that the new emperor liked him so much.

After seeing it, she knew that Han Shushu had something that she didn't have.I can't tell exactly what it is, but it is the new emperor's favorite.

"I heard that the emperor used to be very affectionate with Miss Han. For some reason, after the emperor took the throne, he took the girl into the palace, and the girl changed. I really hope that the emperor can see the little master one day. It is also very good, in fact, he is not worse than the girl... "

"You are not allowed to say such things in the future. If the emperor hears it, you will lose your life! In this palace, you must be cautious in your words and deeds, and be careful of misfortunes coming out of your mouth." An Sujing hurriedly interrupted Lingling.

"Yes, my lord." Lingling hurriedly replied, knowing that she was overstepping the rules.

Han Shushu was someone the new emperor cared about. If this word got into the eyes of the new emperor, ten heads might not be enough to cut off.

That night, An Sujing was embroidering in her dormitory when she suddenly heard Zhao Jinzhong's voice approaching from far away: "The emperor is here!"

She hurried forward and led the maids to pick him up.

"The concubine sees the emperor, and respectfully invites the emperor Jinan."

"Pingshen." Chu Shisan glanced at An Sujing, and went inside.

An Sujing followed closely behind, quietly looking at Chu Shisan.

(End of this chapter)

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