The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 932 I can't bear to let go

Chapter 932 I can’t bear to let go (6)

I saw that the new emperor's expression was as usual, and he couldn't see any emotions, anger, sorrow, or joy, and seemed to be no different from before.

Chu Shisan must have heard about her entry into the South Court, right?
An Sujing didn't dare to be careless, and knelt down in front of Chu Shisan: "The concubine is guilty, she shouldn't go to the south courtyard to disturb the girl's peace, please the emperor punish her."

Chu Shisan tapped on the table with his long fingers, as if he couldn't hear her words.

Only then did An Sujing realize the seriousness of the situation, her face was pale, and she said directly: "The concubine saw that the emperor had a cough these few days, and wanted to ask the girl for some medicine, but didn't want to make her unhappy. The concubine is willing to accept the punishment."

Chu Shisan still didn't make a sound, An Sujing knelt on the ground, not daring to move, not knowing what punishment would be waiting for her.

Just when her heart was going up and down, Chu Shisan finally opened his mouth.

"Does she look all right?"

An Sujing was taken aback for a moment, feeling a tingling pain in his heart.

The emperor in front of him, who seemed to have everything, just wanted to see Han Shushu, but he had to find out through her.

"The girl's complexion is rosy, and she smiled several times. She looks pretty when she smiles. The girl also said that she will go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to talk to the emperor when she is free..."

An Sujing spoke, a little choked up.

Chu Shisan looked at An Sujing who was wiping away tears, and opened his lips indifferently: "Do you know what I like about you?"

An Sujing nodded vigorously: "Your Majesty sees the general knowledge of ministers and concubines..."

"Sometimes you are a bit like her. She used to be soft-hearted. As long as I kill people, she will find a way to stop me from committing crimes. It's a pity that I killed too much, and finally killed her, so she made her resent me and hate me. I know, I should let her leave the palace, so that she will be happier than now, but I can't bear to let go..."

As Chu Shisan said, he couldn't stop coughing a few times.

An Sujing struggled to get up, and hurriedly handed tea to Chu Shisan, tears streaming down her face.

"No matter what happened in the past, one day the girl will let go of her resentment and accept the emperor again. The girl just needs a little time. The emperor must take good care of the dragon body so that he can stay with the girl forever and grow old."

Chu Shisan took a sip of tea and got up.

An Sujing followed Chu Shisan quietly, and sent Chu Shisan out of Chuxiu Palace.

"If she doesn't hate seeing you, you can just go to the South Courtyard from time to time and tell me about her recent situation. That's all I can ask for."

As Chu Shisan said, he walked away with heavy steps.

It was his fault, and he deserved to taste the fruit of this crime.

Shu Shu doesn't like to see him, and when he sees him, he will feel pain and resentment, so he can only stay away from her, hoping that after a long time, some of the resentment and hatred deep in her heart can be resolved.

Maybe in his lifetime, Shu Shu is willing to forgive him, which is his best ending.

He wanted to see her, but was afraid of her...

As time goes by, it's the New Year's Eve in the blink of an eye.

In previous years, when it was Chinese New Year, the palace must be decorated with lights and festoons, which was very lively.

This year was unusually deserted, and even the most basic palace banquets were omitted.

Chu Shisan was buried in political affairs, and he did not relax during the New Year.

Chu Yun saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

He used to hope that Han Shushu would not harm his master, but now that he really hoped for such a result, he realized that he was wrong.

Chu Shisan's joy, anger, sorrow and anger are all tied to Han Shushu. Today is such a big day as the Chinese New Year. If the master can meet Han Shushu, how happy will the master be?
Thinking of this, Chu Yun found Xiaocao who was sitting in a daze in the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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