The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 936 Let go of the past: 1 letter of divorce

Chapter 936 Letting Go of the Past: A Letter of Divorce (2)

Chu Shisan looked down and saw Han Shushu sleeping peacefully, his brows and eyes as calm as a painting.On her face, there was no anger, no resentment, as if all the pain had just passed away.

But, did she let go so quickly?
Or just because of the Chinese New Year, she only let him go on this day?

Han Shushu woke up again and found that it was already dark.

And she was lying on Chu Shisan's lap, and they were on the top floor of the Star Chasing Platform.As far as the eye can see, the whole imperial palace is in sight, and the landscape of Liuli Lake can also be seen in a panoramic view.

Coupled with the sky full of stars, I just feel that everything in the world is beautiful, too beautiful to be real.

Until the fireworks burst into dazzling fireworks in the air, from the most eye-catching bloom to the most poignant fall, just a short moment is their life.

"Recently, my medical skills and poison skills have made good progress. After the Chinese New Year, if I have time, I will help you sew some summer robes. You mustn't dislike it. Others don't have such a blessing."

Until the fireworks were gone, Han Shushu took a deep breath of the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air and said.

"Winter hasn't passed yet, why do you start sewing summer clothes?" Chu Shisan looked down at Han Shushu and asked, trying to get some clues from her face.

"You also know that winter is coming to an end. Even if I sew winter clothes, you won't be able to wear them for a few days. Whether you want it or not is fine." Han Shushu lowered his eyes and smiled.

"It's still the same temper. Do whatever you want, as long as you're happy."

Chu Shisan held Han Shu in his arms, and immediately jumped down.

In the past, Han Shushu would definitely hug him and exclaim loudly, but now she is no longer afraid of heights, she is calm and calm, which makes him look sideways.

Holding hands, the two left the Star Chasing Platform and walked down the Xingyue Ladder step by step.

In the end, it was Han Shushu who broke the silence.

"Xiaocao came from Xuantian City, right?"

She looked up at Chu Shisan and asked.

There are some things that she deliberately avoided for a long time, and now is the time to find the truth.

Chu Shisan took a deep look at Han Shushu, and finally nodded.

"Who is she from Xuantian City? Her identity should be quite hidden. I see that Chu Yun doesn't even know Xiaocao's origin. Logically speaking, he has been with you for so many years, so there is no reason not to know that Xiaocao also came from Xuantian City."

Han Shushu said in a low voice.

Chu Shisan approvingly patted the back of Han Shushu's hand.

This girl is careful, she sees that Xiaocao comes from Xuantian City, and also knows that Xiaocao's identity in Xuantian City is not simple.

"She is a Xuannv from Xuantian City, with a special status. Most people don't know the origin of Xuannv at all. Xiaoyao and I have known her since we were young. Not long after we left Xuantian City, she also ran out, saying that she admired the outside world. prosperity of the world."

Chu Shisan's answer made Han Shushu pause, and she didn't know whether to continue asking.

That's why Xiaocao was placed next to Han Shu for three years. This is why she wanted to know but didn't dare to know.

The truth is often cruel, and she fears that she will no longer have the strength to bear it.

How important is Xiaocao's identity, why should such an important person be placed beside her?
"No matter what the reason was for placing Xiaocao by your side at the beginning, she is devoted to you and treats you as a relative. If you have any resentment, don't blame Xiaocao, come to me, I am the culprit..."

"I remembered that there is still one important thing to do in the south courtyard. Thirteen, I will go back to the south courtyard first."

(End of this chapter)

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