The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 937 Let go of the past: 1 letter of divorce

Chapter 937 Letting Go of the Past: A Letter of Divorce (3)

Han Shushu interrupted Chu Shisan, turned around and left.

Chu Shisan was stunned, looking at Han Shushu's back absently.

Han Shushu seemed to feel his gaze fixed on her, she paused, then turned back to him, and said softly: "I really have a big thing to do, I didn't lie to you. Today's Chinese New Year, you also let it go!" Fake yourself, don't push yourself too hard."

She took out a small porcelain bottle and handed it to his palm: "This is a medicine for cough. I made it myself. Your body not only belongs to you, but also to thousands of ordinary people. You can't be willful any more. Yes, let Xiaocao come to the South Campus tomorrow, the sooner the better, I need her help..."

Chu Shisan held Han Shushu's hand and interrupted her chattering: "I know, go back."

Only then did Han Shushu feel relieved and went to the South Courtyard.

She did remember that she wanted to give Nangong a gift.Today is the Chinese New Year, don't break your promise to Nangong.

After she returned to the south courtyard, she quickly found the gift she had prepared earlier.

She searched all the way, and finally found Nangong in the dining room.

He was sitting at the dining table, without a shadow or neon clothes, sitting alone, looking a little pitiful.

Nangong was both surprised and happy when he heard the familiar footsteps.

He rushed forward and said, "Xiao Shu, I'm waiting for you to have a reunion dinner."

Han Shushu shook his head: "No, I just came back from Chasing Stars. Thirteen prepared a lot of food, and I'm full."

When Nangong heard the words, his eyes darkened slightly.

Why did he forget that she went to find Chu Shisan, how could Chu Shisan neglect her?

He felt that he owed her a reunion dinner, but now that it was time, she didn't care.

"Eat, I'll accompany you here." Han Shushu sat down opposite Nangong.

Nangong buried himself in eating some and told himself that this kind of reunion dinner is also very interesting.

Maybe comforting himself like this would make him happier.

"This meal should not be called a reunion dinner, because..."

Han Shushu lowered his eyes and looked at the things in his hand.

She knew the time had come.She had been planning for a long time, and what she had been waiting for was today.

Nangong put down the bowl and chopsticks, and opened his lips calmly: "Tell me, what do you want to play with, you vicious woman, I will accompany you to the end!"

"Look at what you said, no matter how poisonous I am, I can't be poisonous to you, a poison doctor, can I?"

Han Shushu said, and finally handed the things to Nangong.

The bright red words "Suspension Letter" on it hurt Nangong's eyes.

"You have nothing to teach me, and you are no longer useful to me. This paper of divorce is my gift to you. Thank you for teaching me medicine and poison. Thank you for bringing I'm coming out of trouble—"

Before Han Shushu finished speaking, Nangong grabbed his neck severely.

The anger and resentment in his eyes made her smile: "Why, can't you afford it?"

Nangong stared at Han Shushu viciously, as if a wolf that had been hungry for many days was staring at its prey, and might tear this so-called prey into pieces at any time.

In the end, he let Han Shushu break free from his grasp.

He called himself a poison doctor and thought he could control people's hearts, but in the end, he was played by the vicious woman Han Shushu in the applause.

She got everything she wanted, and kicked him away mercilessly, just because he was no longer worth using.

"Han Shushu, you are so poisonous!!" He looked at Han Shushu coldly, and opened his lips hoarsely.

She chose such a time, such a place, and such a way to humiliate him. The so-called most poisonous woman's heart is nothing more than that.

(End of this chapter)

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