The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 938 Let go of the past: 1 letter of divorce

Chapter 938 Letting Go of the Past: A Letter of Divorce (4)

"It's easy to say. A famous teacher produces a good student. Without a good master like you, how could there be a good student like me?"

Han Shushu paused, then said softly: "There is one thing I have never had a chance to tell you. Back then, you pushed me on top of the fire to save Leng Ying. I didn't have time to escape, and my face was severely burned. Doctor Said, my face has no rule of law. I dare not go out every night, like a mouse that cannot see the light, lingering at home. Just when I hate you so much that I want to kill you, by chance I met an expert from Xuantian City, and I used my life to curse you as a couple, and curse that you can never be together forever."

Nangong looked at Han Shushu in disbelief.

He always thought that it was Han Shushu who cast a poisonous curse on him and Leng Ying because of love and hatred, but he never thought that there was another reason for this.

"At that time, my face was ruined like that, and you never came to the hospital to see me. When I was in the most pain, the good news about you and Leng Ying's upcoming marriage was overwhelming. At that time, I decided that I must let you Taste my pain and you will know how much it hurts!"

Han Shushu approached Nangong and curled his lips mockingly: "It took me two time-spaces before I had the chance to let you know how damn you are. Recently, I suddenly discovered that you have a strange feeling for me, and I was thinking, this is really It's really retribution. I chased after you in those years, but you dismissed it. Now that I'm in love with Shisan, you still have thoughts about me, isn't it ridiculous?"

Nangong didn't make a sound, his face was pale, and he looked at Han Shushu absent-mindedly.

It took him a long time to find his own voice: "Xiao Shu, I didn't know your face was ruined..."

"At that time, you only had Leng Ying in your eyes. How could you ever see me being pushed on the fire by you? You only thought about Xu Lengying's grand wedding, so how could you have the extra energy to inquire about me, even if you made a phone call yourself. In the end , You didn’t do anything, I was finally blinded by hatred and planted evil fruits. Speaking of which, we are all cursed people, and we should be unhappy.”

After Han Shushu finished speaking, he walked out of the dining room.

She finally took revenge on Nangong in her own way, but she was not so happy.

From now on, the grievances and hatred between her and Nangong can finally come to an end.

Looking at Han Shushu's back, Nangong's heart tightened.

He quickly chased after her, grabbed her arm, and said hoarsely, "Xiao Shu, I'm sorry..."

He owed her these three words, even if it was delayed by a space-time distance.

"It's okay, I can let it go. From now on, we don't owe anyone else." Han Shushu broke free from Nangong's control.

She wanted to leave, but Nangong blocked her way the next moment, and asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure we don't owe each other?"

She disturbed his heart, gave him another paper of divorce, waved his sleeves, wouldn't she take away a piece of cloud?

Han Shushu looked at Nangong with a half-smile: "I'm sure, what you owe me, I've already returned them to you."

In this game she set, she is the winner.

Does Nangong not want to admit defeat, or because he has never lost before, he can't afford to lose?

"Then what do you owe me?" Nangong stared at Han Shushu firmly, grasping her arm tightly.

"Don't tell me, you can't afford to lose! At the beginning of our marriage, you played tricks, so I had to marry you. Now I just ended our ostentatious marriage in my own way. Do I owe you anything? "

(End of this chapter)

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