The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 942 Let go of the past: 1 letter of divorce

Chapter 942 Letting Go of the Past: A Letter of Divorce (8)

After watching for a while, Chu Shisan stepped forward and twisted Han Shushun, and said to Xiaocao, "Xiaocao, dry the remaining herbs, and I will take Shushun away."

Xiaocao rose up upon hearing the sound, and hurriedly stood by Han Shushu's side.

Her reaction made Chu Shisan look sideways.

"Sorry, starting today, Xiaocao is mine, and she only obeys my orders." Han Shushu gave Chu Shisan a smirk.

Chu Shisan looked at Xiaocao and found that Xiaocao didn't look at him at all.

It seems that just as Shu Shu said, Xiaocao only listens to Shu Shu.

"Xiaocao obeys your orders, it's a good thing, I'm happy for you." Chu Shisan said sincerely.

It's just that Xiaocao followed like a follower, and the alone time between him and Shushun was destroyed by Xiaocao.

"Shu Shu, can you make this person disappear?" Chu Shisan held back for a while but couldn't hold back.

The person he was talking about, of course, was Xiaocao.

There was never a moment when he felt that Xiaocao, a dead girl, was such an eyesore.

"It... depends on Xiaocao's wishes." Han Shushu said, glancing at Xiaocao vaguely.

Xiaocao understood, and immediately ran to her, took her arm, and looked at Chu Shisan in protest.

In the past, Chu Shisan would probably use force to solve the problem.

But because Shu Shu is in a good mood, he thinks it's not such a bad thing to add an eyesore.

Seeing that Chu Shisan didn't mind Xiaocao's existence anymore, Han Shushu felt that it was meaningless, so he let Xiaocao busy with his own affairs.

As soon as Xiaocao left, Chu Shisan immediately tightened his grip on Han Shushu's slender waist.

Han Shushu hid in his arms with a smile, "I just retired from Nangong, so you can't wait to run into the South courtyard, so you won't be afraid that the world will say that you, the new emperor, attacked his brother's woman?"

"I waited for two days to come, I'm not impatient." Chu Shisan hugged the woman in his arms tightly.

He came to the south courtyard just to have a look at her, just to hug her body and smell her body, that's enough.

Maybe he stole the warm time now, right?
Shun Shu will not do things without beginning and end, she solved Nangong, is he the one she will deal with next?

At this time, he was looking forward to it, but also a little afraid.

"If your woman sees us hugging each other like this, I don't know how jealous I will be. Thirteen, why don't you tell the world that you are not an eunuch?" Han Shushu leaned on Chu Shisan's arms and looked at Chu Shisan. The dragon-shaped totem on his dragon robe seemed to say unintentionally.

If people knew that Chu Shisan was not an eunuch, how much trouble would it cause?

Especially those women who admired Chu Shisan, after hearing this news, why don't they all run to Chu Shisan's dragon bed?

Thinking of the possible scenarios, Han Shushu couldn't help laughing.

"Do you really want to do this?" Chu Shisan raised Han Shushu's snowy palate and asked softly.

If this is what she wants, why not fulfill her?
It's just that he will cause a lot of trouble, especially those concubines in his harem, all of them must come to pester him.

Shu Shu laughed just now, probably because he thought of the embarrassment he might have in the future, so he was so happy?

"What do you think?" Han Shushu asked with a suppressed smile.

"You girl always makes me hate you." Chu Shisan sighed softly.

Knowing that this is her trap, he still wants to make her smile, as long as she is happy, he can do whatever he wants.

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day, why not spread the news that you are not an eunuch today?"

(End of this chapter)

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