The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 943 Showdown: Let's Have Another Child

Chapter 943 Showdown: Let's Have Another Child (1)

Seeing Chu Shisan frowning, Han Shushu burst into a smile.

He looked like he was going to be guillotined, which was really funny.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chu Shisan replied helplessly.

At the very least, he can use this to make her laugh, which is a great thing that can't be expected.

Half an hour later, the news that the new emperor was not an eunuch spread widely inside and outside the capital.

The entire palace was even more erupting.

Originally, they thought that entering the palace would require them to be widows for the rest of their lives. If the rumors were true, wouldn't they have hope in their future lives?
Even so, the concubines did not dare to go to Chu Shisan to verify the matter.

After all, it was just a rumor. Whether the rumor was true or not could only be determined by the Empress Dowager confirming the matter.

In the afternoon, news came from Yongtai Palace that the current emperor was indeed a man and had not been eunuched.

For a while, the lifeless harem became very lively.

The concubines, who usually don't wear make-up or make-up, began to put on heavy makeup and tried their best to get close to Chu Shisan.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Chu Shisan looked at Yingying and Yanyan in a room, expressionless.

He really didn't like being surrounded by so many women.And the wolf-like eyes of these women also made him anxious.

If it was possible to replace so many women with one bundle, how great would that be?

All the sisters came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation at the same time, and at the beginning, their hearts sprouted, and they felt that they had hope.

Looking at Chu Shisanmu's expressionless handsome face now, they were both excited and nervous.

In the final analysis, whether they can win the favor or not is a matter of Chu Shisan's words, and they are completely out of their hands.

Even if Chu Shisan is a normal man, if he doesn't flip his cards, no one can get on the dragon couch, right?
"Your Majesty, everyone is here."

Wanxin counted the beauties in the hall, and whispered back to Chu Shisan.

Chu Shisan sat on the dragon chair, and lazily opened his mouth: "Go and pass on the order to Miss Han!"

Wanxin was taken aback for a moment, and left in response.

Which song is the master singing?
Mo Ming declared that she was not an eunuch, attracted so many concubines and concubines, and asked her to bring Han Shushu here. She really didn't understand why Han Shushu was brought to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Not long after, Han Shushu entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

She saw Yingying and Yanyan in a room from a distance, stood on tiptoe and saw Chu Shisan who was expressionless on the dragon chair.

Thirteen is like a piece of fat, and these concubines are hunters who have fallen for the fat.They all wanted to eat Shisan's delicious piece of fat, but there was only one piece of it. This piece of fat was still very proud, and there was no place to eat it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but laugh.

It was really spectacular.

Thirteen's harem is in full swing, right?Everyone wants to come out on top and become No.1 in the harem.

It's a pity that Tana is gone, otherwise Tana must be the one who killed the Quartet.

Chu Shisan quickly found Han Shushu, and he waved to her: "Shushu, come to my side."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Han Shushu approached Chu Shisan with graceful steps.

"Which one of them do you think is better? I plan to pick one and let her stay in bed for a month." Chu Shisan asked quietly.

Han Shushu's gaze paused for a moment on Chu Qiao's face.The daughter of this great general has no friendship with her, so naturally she would not pick on Chu Qiao.

As for Lin Xia, she doesn't have much friendship.

As for the other concubines, let alone, she is face-blind and feels that they all look alike.

It seems that only An Sujing is a little more pleasing to the eye.

"How about An Cairen?" Han Shushu pointed in the direction of An Sujing and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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