The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 963 Marrying at the Church: A Wedding of Two People

Chapter 963 Worshiping Marriage: Two People’s Wedding (5)

Chu Mubai did not kneel to the sky or the ground in his life, but only to this woman.

Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan absent-mindedly, her eyes blurred by tears.

"Thirteen, I..."

The next moment, she was in Chu Shisan's arms in a dizzy turn.

"Shu Shu, life is short, I just want to promise you a wedding while I have time. I don't need anyone to witness, I just want to marry you and fulfill one of my dreams. You can continue to hate me, or you can find a way to continue to torture me Me, I don't care about these. I just want to be able to marry you and make you my wife in my lifetime. You are not one of my harem. Wanxin and they still call you a girl. In the eyes of the world, you are still Free body. But as far as I am concerned, you are my wife."

Han Shushu stared blankly at Chu Shisan for a long time, but finally nodded in agreement.

Just treat it as a dream.

After tonight, she could continue to hate him.But tonight, she allowed herself to indulge herself for a while.

Maybe she will die tomorrow, maybe Shisan will not be here tomorrow.

Who knows about the future?
Just like the day she left the capital, she thought she still had a chance to express her feelings to Shisan.

Who knows that God made a big joke on her, she hated him before she even had time to tell Shisan that she loved him.

Life is short and there are changes every day. Before the changes, the only dream she has left is him.

This is a very quiet marriage ceremony.

Except for the bride in plain clothes, the groom who was too quiet, and a few servants from the Palace of Mental Cultivation, there was no one else.

When Nangong rushed to the south courtyard, the bride and groom were having a cup of wine.

Maybe it's because the red candles are too bright, which makes Han Shushu, who is a bride, particularly charming and charming.

There is another man in her eyes and heart, and she smiles so sweetly at another man.

He never knew that this woman was so beautiful that it broke his heart.

The one who married her was another man.

They only have each other in their eyes, and they can't tolerate anyone else. Of course, they can't see him standing in the dark corner.

If it was said that he still had scruples before, at this moment, he is very sure that even if he sacrifices his own life, he will break up the pair.

Xiao Shu is the woman he wants, Chu Shisan shouldn't steal from him!

This is a life-and-death game, winner and loser, and he will defeat Chu Shisan, and the person standing beside Han Shushu will be him after all.

Before leaving the South Courtyard, Nangong looked back, and the slightly gloomy smile on his face seemed strange and unpredictable in the dark night...

After paying his respects, Han Shushu followed the source of his intense gaze, and only had time to see a pair of cold eyes.

That person disappeared in a flash, but she knew that it was Nangong.

Nangong came quietly and left quietly...

Chu Shisan noticed that Han Shushu was absent-minded, so he straightened her face and forced her to face him squarely: "You can only look at me tonight."

Han Shushu patted her hand away, "I'm tired of seeing your face, there's nothing to look at."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Shisan hugged her horizontally in his arms, walked out of the beaming main hall, and headed for Shuzhai.

After entering the room, the red happy characters were printed in her eyes.

The red candle is burning, and it is so festive.

Han Shushu broke free from Chu Shisan's arms, touched the happy words pasted on the wall, and sighed silently: "Today I married you."

So unreal.

Obviously he was right in front of her, and they were in the wedding room, but she seemed to be dreaming.

(End of this chapter)

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