The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 964 Marrying at the Church: A Wedding of Two People

Chapter 964 Worshiping Marriage: Two People’s Wedding (6)

If it was just a dream, Han Shushu hoped that this dream would never wake up...

"Are the two countries really going to war?" Han Shushu broke the silence in the room.

In fact, on the wedding night, we shouldn't talk about such a heavy topic.

But she felt that the wedding just now was more like a house wine.

"Qin Zhuiyue vowed to step on me, this battle is inevitable." Chu Shisan played with Han Shushu's soft black silk in his hands.

It's rare to see her so peaceful. This time, he did the right thing.

She is actually too soft-hearted.He obviously hated her, but when he heard that he was going to be the imperial conscript, he felt pity for him.

Who said this girl has changed, she has not changed, she just added a layer of armor to her heart.

"Then why do you want to fight in person? If he wants to fight, let him fight. Could it be that Southern Chu's military strength is inferior to Northern Qin's?"

As Han Shushu said, he found a comfortable position on Chu Shisan's body and lay down.

"This is a man's war. He fights it himself, so I naturally have to fight it. Besides, it's very helpful to boost morale." Chu Shisan looked at Han Shushu's face in a daze. He was thinking, if he wanted to take her Going to the battlefield together, I don't know if she would like to join the army with him.

If he leaves the palace, she will leave later, right?
Perhaps, this is why she agreed to marry him in the end.

"You are the first to ascend the throne and leave the capital, are you not afraid that other princes will take the opportunity to rebel?" Han Shushu asked curiously.

Is Chu Shisan too self-confident, or is Chu Shisan nowhere to go and must go on a personal expedition?

"If anyone among them can take on this important task, it's all right, it depends on their ability." Chu Shisan picked up a glass of fruit wine and took a sip gracefully.

Then he handed the fruity wine to Han Shushu's lips.

At this moment, Han Shushu didn't get in the way, and felt that the wine was very fragrant, so he also took a sip.

As soon as the wine is in the mouth, it immediately leaves a fragrance on the teeth and cheeks, which is rich and fragrant.

She couldn't help drinking two more sips, until her vision blurred and the man in front of her had a double image, she didn't feel something was wrong.

She didn't drink well, and she forgot about it.

She tried hard to open her eyes, but saw Chu Shisan's face dangling in front of her, and she couldn't see clearly anyway.

In a hurry, she slapped her palm and scolded: "Stop shaking, I'm so dizzy..."

Chu Shisan laughed deeply, he bit her slender neck lightly, and murmured emotionally: "Shu Shu, my Shu Shu..."

Still so cute, so cute that he wanted to swallow her in one gulp.

If she knew that everything today was under his control, would she be so angry that she would kill him when she knew the truth?
It was a difficult decision to let Han Shushu leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

But what Qin Changting said made sense.

Detaining him like this is not a long-term solution, unless he wants her to hate him for the rest of his life.

He never accepts fate.

When he was a child, he was always able to win life from life to death because he believed that my fate was up to me.

Now, he also believes that as long as he fights for everything, there will be a turnaround.

Shu Shu hates him, which proves that he loves him.

Love and hate are one, as long as he pokes her softest place, he believes that this is his vitality.

No, she married him tonight, and drank the wine he fed without any hindrance.This wine has a sexual-destroying effect, and he did it on purpose, so the ultimate goal is naturally to get her pregnant.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with his calculations.

All he did was to give himself a chance.

Because, he is running out of time...

(End of this chapter)

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