The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 966 Marrying at the Church: A Wedding of Two People

Chapter 966 Worshiping Marriage: Two People’s Wedding (8)

Han Shushu realized that she might have been given some kind of drug, otherwise she wouldn't always be in a trance like this.Some things are clearly experienced, but they seem to be in a dream.

Wan Xin and An Xin were so anxious that they didn't know what to do.

Not to follow, not to follow.

Han Shushu seems to have found something wrong, if Han Shushu knows the truth, it will be over!

Han Shushu was sure that Wanxin and the others hadn't followed, so he grabbed a soldier casually and asked in a low voice, "What day is the first lunar month today?"

The soldier was taken aback for a moment, and then replied truthfully: "The 28th of the first lunar month!"

Han Shushu's eyes widened when he heard the answer.

Wanxin told her that today is the 28th day of the first lunar month, but the soldier is [-]th.

The day she and Chu Shisan paid homage was the Lantern Festival, that is to say, there are more than ten days before the Lantern Festival.

And she has no memory of these ten days.

There is no doubt that Chu Shisan drugged her.

Damn it!In a moment of carelessness, she fell into the man's tricks and was played around by him.

Han Shushu's face was tense, he turned back to Wanxin, and said coldly: "Call me Chu Shisan!"

Wanxin knew something was wrong when she saw Han Shushu's expression.

She was busy winking at An Xin.

Anxin understood, and hurriedly reported the situation to Chu Shisan.

When Chu Shisan got into the carriage, he saw Han Shushu sitting in the corner of the carriage.Because of the dim light, I couldn't see her expression clearly.

He sat down beside Han Shushu, elegant and calm.

"An Xin said, do you want to see me?"

"Why did you drug me? What did you do to me!" Han Shushu said, with the dagger almost touching his key point: "If you dare to lie, I will castrate you!"

"Recently, I have also become a little interested in medical science. Last time you used my body to test poison, I was thinking that reciprocity is not bad. So, I also used your body to test poison a few times." Chu Shisanqian Smile back.

Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan's "sexy" smile on his face, and he was so angry that he gritted his teeth and wanted to cut to his important parts.

She just raised her hand, and with a jerk from the tiger's mouth, the dagger has changed hands.

"Girls, don't play with this thing, it's easy to hurt people."

While Chu Shisan was speaking, the dagger broke in his hand, like a ignited firecracker, flowers bloomed, covering Han Shushu's eyes.

"get out!!"

After a long time, Han Shushu spat out a few words from between his teeth.

Chu Shisan chuckled, patted her head, and was pushed away forcefully by her.

He smiled: "I like you more when you are angry."

Puffy, like a frog, so cute.

Han Shushu simply turned his back so that he didn't have to look at Chu Shisan's face that drove her crazy.

How could she be so stupid as to feel pity for him?

She should have known earlier that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing, a beast in clothes, and a shameless person.

The most hateful thing is myself, who foolishly fell for his tricks, and was still counting the money for him after being sold by him.

For the entire thirteen days, Chu Shisan gave him some kind of medicine, which made her unconscious, and she still couldn't remember what happened after she woke up.

For about half a month, she had a broken piece, and there is no doubt that nothing good could happen during it.

After Chu Shisan left, Han Shushu lifted up her sleeves, and when she saw some ambiguous traces on her body, she knew she was right.

He not only drugged her, but also used her body every day during this time.

He wanted to plant another seed in her body, thinking that this would make her stay by his side willingly.

(End of this chapter)

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