The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 967 My life is not long, confess my last words

Chapter 967 My life is not long, confess my last words (1)

Such a cruel Chu Mubai, such a shameless bastard! !

For the next two days, Chu Shisan did not appear in front of Han Shushu.

Han Shushu became vigilant, and it would not be easy to drug her again.What's more, in the past ten days or so, he seized the opportunity to spend time with her.If this fails to make her conceive, is it God's will?
"The emperor misses the girl?" Chu Yun saw that Chu Shisan's gaze was fixed on the military book, but he didn't read a word, so he knew that his master's heart was with Han Shushu.

"Will I be too hasty?" Chu Shisan asked with hooked lips.

He should have taken it easy, but he didn't have much time.

In his bones, there is a fierceness to plunder.

It's just that after meeting her, his hostility and brutality subsided somewhat.But some things are hidden between bones and blood.In this respect, he is like Emperor Chu Yan.

The person he wants to get will be ruined and destroyed.What he wants to get, no matter what means and what he has, he will not hesitate.

Han Shushu is the only thing he wants now.

Some things can change, but what remains the same is that he wants her.Regardless of her body or her heart, he wants it.

"Young lady has such a temperament, she can't rush forward. The emperor should follow his own thoughts. At worst, he will give the girl some medicine every day. When the girl becomes pregnant with the dragon seed, she will still be unable to escape the emperor's palm." Chu Yun Looking back.

"That statement is also reasonable. Forget it, go pass the edict and say, Xiaocao is here and wants to see her."

Chu Shisan gave the order quietly.

Chu Yun was taken aback.

Isn't this talking nonsense?Xiaocao has already taken a step ahead, and as a lieutenant general, he will join the battle with the general.

Now he can see it, because of Han Shushu, the depressed person is now full of fighting spirit, and the thirteenth prince who used to be arrogant and defiant is back again!
Chu Yun went to Han Shushu to speak, and Han Shushu looked at him coldly, as if he was considering whether his words were true or false.

It has to be said that Han Shushu, who was easy to deceive in the past, is gone forever.

This kind of Han Shushu is more suitable for his master.

After hesitating for a while, Han Shushu finally got out of the carriage.

In fact, she didn't believe that Xiaocao was with Chu Shisan, she still went there, just to see what tricks Chu Shisan was up to.

Because Chu Shisan wanted to rest, the large troops stopped aside.

Seeing her coming, all the guards saluted her in unison: "Young lady, I see you for a humble job."

Han Shushu passed the guards and sat down opposite Chu Shisan: "Where is Xiaocao?!"

"Border town battlefield." Chu Shisan took a sip of tea, his movements were graceful and leisurely.

There was a faint smile on his lips, like an altar flower slowly blooming in the dark night, beautiful and treacherous.

Han Shushu's heart was lifted in the air in an instant.

It's not because he's overwhelmed by his smile, but because he's afraid of being tricked by this person again.

She couldn't see through what he was thinking at the moment. Could it be that he wanted to poison her during the meal again?
For a person like Chu Mubai, if he really wants to learn something, he should be able to learn it quickly. This person is born with such ability and courage.

Han Shushu's thoughts turned around, and he felt that it would be better to stay away from Chu Shisan.

She just got up when Chu Shisan gave an order: "Sit down!"

Han Shushu tightened his face and left directly.

The next moment, Chu Yun blocked her way, lowered his eyes and said, "Miss, please sit down!"

"Get out of the way, or don't blame me..."

(End of this chapter)

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