Chapter 988 Thirteen, I Love You (7)

The man slept peacefully and quietly.The eyelashes are very long, and the faint shadows are lightly imprinted on his face like white jade.His nose was straight and straight, his lips were thin and seductively shiny, making one couldn't help but want to kiss him.

If she is no longer by his side one day in the future, and no one will help him guard his chastity, there will surely be many, many women who will follow him and be overwhelmed by his beauty, right?

"Thirteen, I love you..."

Han Shushu looked at his peaceful sleeping face and whispered in his ear.

In her lifetime, she finally said what she wanted to say to him, and she would no longer have any regrets.

It was still raining outside the window.

The rain is getting lighter, and the sky is getting brighter.

She has been looking at this man, wanting to engrave his face on her heart and in her memory.Even if one day she is too old to walk, she will still remember this person and this face she once loved with all her heart.

Han Shushu kissed the corner of Chu Shisan's lips again, and then got up.

She took another deep look at the man's face, got off the couch, and dressed neatly.

Just as she was about to leave the dormitory, she felt something strange behind her.The next moment, she fell into Chu Shisan's arms.

"Although I don't know what you are planning, I will not allow you to take risks..."

Before Han Shushu fell asleep, she saw Chu Shisan whispering in her ear.

She gradually shut his face out of her eyes, and he seemed to say something to her, but she couldn't hear it clearly, and she completely lost consciousness.

Han Shushu didn't know how long he slept.

When she woke up suddenly, she found herself in a carriage driven by a woman who was both familiar and unfamiliar, but Xiaozhan.

She almost forgot that there was such a person as Xiaozhan, because she had never seen Xiaozhan since she left Beiqin.

I don't want to meet Xiaozhan again at such a time and place today.

"Stop!" Han Shushu yelled at Xiaozhan.

Xiaozhan was a little hesitant, after all, she received the imperial decree and must send Han Shushu as far away as possible in a short time.

"I told you to stop, do you hear? You can stop, I'll jump the carriage." Han Shushu said, and he was about to get off the carriage.

Xiaozhan hurriedly stopped the carriage: "Girl, no!"

Han Shushu seemed to be crazy, and rushed out of the carriage recklessly.

Fortunately, Han Shushu got out of the carriage safe and sound. Although his posture was a bit embarrassed, he was not injured at all.

Xiaozhan breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that something might happen to Han Shushu.

"Come down!" Han Shushu ordered coldly.

Although Xiaozhan was reluctant, he got out of the carriage and stood in front of Han Shushu in an orderly manner.

"How long have I been sleeping? Where are you now, and where is Thirteen?" Han Shushu asked repeatedly.

Xiaozhan didn't make a sound.

She has received the oracle and can say nothing.

"Play dead for me, right?" Han Shushu went to Xiaozhan, groped around her body, and found a dagger.

Xiaozhan thought that Han Shushu wanted to force her to submit with a dagger.

Even so, it was impossible for her to say a word.

Unexpectedly, Han Shushu pointed the dagger at his heart, and said with a smile: "Let's take a bet and see if I dare to stab myself!"

Xiaozhan's face changed slightly: "Girl, no!"

"Tell me the truth, otherwise, I'll stab myself to death right now! My patience is limited, I can only count to three!"

As Han Shushu spoke, he began to count down: "Three..."


Before the word "one" could be spoken, a force suddenly appeared, which could hit her hand holding the dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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