Chapter 989 Thirteen, I Love You (8)

The dagger fell to the ground. Han Shushu looked around and raised his voice: "Xiaocao, I know it's you, come out. I was just testing you just now. I still have a lot of silver needles in my hand. As long as one of them hits Achilles heel, no matter how powerful you are at that time, you won’t be able to save me.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiaocao appeared.

"How do you know I'm around?" Xiaocao asked in confusion.

According to Han Shushu's morality, it is impossible to know that she is hiding nearby.

"I heard the conversation between you and Shisan. He is confused, why do you follow him? With me here, I can help him deal with Nangong. If I disappear, Nangong will definitely take the opportunity to kill Shisan. You think, if If the country of Southern Chu falls into the hands of some vicious embryos, it will be a disaster."

Han Shushu looked at Xiaocao and said sincerely, hoping that Xiaocao would find his way back.

"Thirteen said, the only thing he can do is to give you back your freedom. I can't let him down..." Xiaocao frowned.

Shisan and Shushun are the most important people in her life, and she doesn't want to lose any of them.

It's a pity that there is a dilemma in the world, and there is always someone who needs to answer this poisonous curse. This is a life-and-death kalpa, and no one can break it.

"You and Thirteen want to send me away because you are sure that I will be implicated because of him, right?" Han Shushu simply pulled Xiaocao into the carriage and asked.

Xiaocao didn't make a sound, and sat down in the place farthest from her.

"Then do you know who wants to possess Shisan?" Han Shushu asked.

Xiaocao nodded, then shook her head again.

"Do you probably know who it is?" Han Shushu asked anxiously, sitting next to Xiaocao.

Seeing that Xiaocao buried her head in silence, Han Shushu got angry and shouted at her: "Do you think you will just leave Shisan behind and fly away with me? You and him have been together since we were young, and we have a deep relationship, just like brothers and sisters. How could you be cruel enough to abandon him?!"

"Otherwise, what can I do? That person is the queen mother, and she is Shisan's biological mother. If she wants Shisan's body, can Shisan say 'no'?" Xiaocao looked at Han Shushu sadly and said.

Han Shushu was taken aback when he heard this.

It's the queen mother?
She had already guessed that the queen mother was not simple, and had colluded with Nangong, but she never thought that the person who wanted to seize the soul was actually the queen mother.

"How could it be the Queen Mother?"

Han Shushu whispered silently.

She discovered early in the morning that there was a collusion between the queen mother and Nangong, but she never expected that the person who really wanted Chu Shisan's body would be the queen mother.

"Since the Li Cairen incident, Thirteen has ordered people to monitor the movements of Yongtai Palace day and night. After this investigation, it was found that Nangong and Yongtai Palace are inextricably linked..."

Xiaocao told the news about Yongtai Palace in detail.

She came from Xuantian City, and she was a Xuannv. She could sense that what the queen mother wanted was Chu Shisan's body.

They had expected that Chu Shisan would have such a catastrophe, but they never thought that Chu Shisan's catastrophe would come from his biological mother.

"How can there be such a cruel mother in the world? Thirteen is her own flesh and blood, and she was not picked up on the way. Maybe she is not a concubine De, the real concubine De is probably gone long ago..."

As Han Shushu spoke, his voice faded away.

She was just talking casually at first, but how could she wake up the dreamer with just one word.

What if the queen mother is not a concubine?

During the years when Chu Shisan left Southern Chu, Concubine De was kept in the cold palace.Logically speaking, Concubine De's body is weak, coupled with the persecution by caring people, how could it be possible for her to live well for so many years?
(End of this chapter)

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