Chapter 1220

"Grandpa Zeng, why do you always dislike me so much? Isn't my grandpa your own son?"

When Zeng Ziqing saw Zeng Zhenlong scolding him for being useless, his self-esteem was severely hit, "Since I was a child, I worked very hard, trying to make you treat me like Zimo, but every time you see me, you feel black." With a straight face, except for scolding me and beating me, I have never praised me once, scolding me so much that I thought I was useless. Every time I do something, the more I try to do it well, the worse I do it. This time I went to pick up my cousin, I have already set off half an hour early, and it is really not my fault that the car broke down!"

"You little bastard, what are you talking about? If you weren't my great-grandson, I would have beaten you to death with a stick! Blame me for partiality? You have to think about it, since you were young, you have that Well done?"

Zeng Zhenlong raised his crutch angrily, and wanted to beat Zeng Ziqing, but Zeng Zimo stopped him, "Grandpa Zeng, don't get angry, Ziqing is still young."

"Small? He's the same age as you!"

Zeng Zhenlong stared at Zeng Ziqing with a look of hatred, "Now, you and him are the biggest grandchildren of the Zeng family. I saw you two brothers working together in your lifetime. As a result, you are the only one who is sensible, and if he doesn't cause trouble for me, everything will be fine!"

"I knew you only had Zimo in your eyes, not me. No matter what I do, it's always wrong, and Zimo is right!"

Like a child, Zeng Ziqing argued aggrievedly, "I was doomed to be a mistake from birth, a supporting role, a trouble-maker who failed to accomplish anything but failed. If you don't like me so much, I'll just leave."

After Zeng Ziqing finished speaking, he stomped away angrily.

"If you dare to step out of this house now, you will not be named Zeng in the future!"

Zeng Zhenlong said angrily.

"Then my surname is pig and dog, and I change my name to dog bastard, whoever loses face!"

Zeng Ziqing said angrily.

His father heard it for a long time, and his face turned black, "Little brat, are you beating around the bush and calling your parents?"

"Without you, an old rabbit who is not the eldest son and grandson, there would be no useless little bastard like me! I'll admit it!"

Zeng Ziqing spoke without restraint.

Zeng Zhenlong was trembling with anger, "Get out! Get out of the house immediately!"

"Go away!"

Zeng Ziqing really walked away.

Zeng Zhenlong glared at Zeng Longjiu angrily, "Look what kind of son you are raising! I'm so mad!"

"Grandpa, the phone is connected!"

Zeng Zimo dialed Yang Zimei's cell phone, and when the phone was connected, he happily told Zeng Zhenlong.

Zeng Zhenlong's anger subsided a little, and his attention was focused on this side, "Quickly ask where Niuniu is now, has she met any bad guys, and is she hungry?"

Li Wenxin quietly rolled her eyes angrily.

Of course, Zeng Ziqing was driven away, so she didn't have to worry too much. Anyway, this was not the first time that such a thing had happened. Later, when Zeng Zhenlong's anger subsided, she would forget about it. What should I do? what.

Zeng Ziqing also has a childish temper. Now that he has run away from home and has no money to spend and drink outside, he will go home obediently in the end.

However, what she wasn't angry about was that Zeng Zhenlong would scold her son for being useless because of such a trivial matter as not being able to meet people.

Also, she felt extremely uncomfortable seeing Zeng Zimo.

(End of this chapter)

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